Catalog excerpts
![Type FL Pressure Reducing Regulators - 1](
Type FL Pressure Reducing Regulators • No Atmospheric Bleed—Type FL eliminates nuisance and wasteful bleed gas to atmosphere by utilizing a two-path pilot-operated control system, which bleeds 100% of the gas to the downstream system while the • Quiet Operation—Optional noise abatement • Control Accuracy—Keeps constant inlet pressures to downstream equipment by accurately controlling system pressures at widely varying flow rates and supply pressures for maximum efficiency and best operation. • Versatility—A wide variety of applications such as natural gas transmission and distribution systems, power plants, monitors, and sour gas with inlet • Easy In-Line Maintenance—With the optional outlet flange spacer, trim parts such as the disk holder can be inspected, cleaned, and replaced without removing the body from the pipeline. • Tight Shutoff—A combination of soft seat and metal plug with a knife edge creates the seal. • Easy Startup—Equal inlet and outlet pressure ratings allow easier startup and shutdown. • High Capacity—Up to NPS 10 / DN 250 body size, the body design and flow passage allows exceptionally high capacities with a maximum • In-Service Travel Indicator—The travel indicator with protective cover, responds to the precise movement of the diaphragm and plug assembly and shows the actual valve position. Type FL regulator is accurate, pilot-operated, pressure balanced, soft-seated regulator designed for high-pressure transmission/city gate, large capacity distribution systems, and power plant feeds. Type FL provides smooth and quiet operation, tight shutoff, and long service life. The regulator utilizes a main valve actuator, a Type PRX pressure reducing pilot, and a Type SA/2 pilot supply pressure regulator. Figure 1. Type FL Regulator with Type PRX Pilot Type PRX pilot uses inlet pressure reduced by a Type SA/2 supply pressure regulator, as loading pressure to operate the main valve actuator. The outlet pressure is sensed through a control line on the main valve actuator and also on the Type PRX pilot diaphragm. The regulator's superior performance is due to the amplifying effect of the pilot and two-path control system. Changes in outlet pressure act quickly on the actuator diaphragm to provide fast response to system change. Then the pilot amplifies any small system changes to position the main valve for precise pressure control. Type PRX Pilot Descriptions A pressure reducing pilot that has the ability to handle a wide range of setpoints from 14.5 to 1160 psig /1.00 to 80.0 bar Type PRX/120: A pressure reducing pilot with an outlet pressure range of 14.5 to 435 psig /1.00 to 30.0 bar. Type PRX/120 can be used as the pilot on single stage pressure-reducing regulators or as the monitor pilot or as the working pilot in wide-open monitor systems. Process Management
Open the catalog to page 1![Type FL Pressure Reducing Regulators - 2](
Bulletin 71.2:FL Specifications The Specifications section gives some general specifications for the Type FL regulators. The nameplates give detailed information for a particular regulator as it comes from the factory. Available Configuration Type FL: Pilot-operated pressure reducing regulator from 14.5 to 1160 psig / 1.00 to 80.0 bar outlet pressures Pilot and Filter-Regulator Flow Coefficients Type PRX Pilot: Cg: 10.5; Cv: 0.36; C1: 29 Type SA/2 Filter-Regulator: Cg: 19 Body Sizes Type FL: NPS 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10 / DN 25, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, and 250 Type FL with Type...
Open the catalog to page 2![Type FL Pressure Reducing Regulators - 3](
Figure 2. Noise Abatement Construction FLOW RATE IN SCFH / Nm3/h Figure 3. Typical Sound Emission Comparison among the Different Configurations Table 1. Outlet (Control) Pressure Ranges
Open the catalog to page 3![Type FL Pressure Reducing Regulators - 4](
Bulletin 71.2:FL s v r b l type Sa/2 m a type prx/120 E0827 inlet pressure outlet pressure Loading pressure pilot supply pressure type prx/120: s - bleed port B - supply port L - loading port A - sensing port type sa/2: v - sensing port r - pilot supply port m - inlet port type fl Figure 4. Type FL Operational Schematic Type SR: Type SR (Figure 2) multi-path noise abatement device is incorporated into the regulator on the seat area. It consists of plated Stainless steel wires containing no sound deadening materials. Depending on flows and pressure drop, the silencer can reduce noise levels...
Open the catalog to page 4![Type FL Pressure Reducing Regulators - 5](
Bulletin 71.2:FL TYPE PRX V TYPE PRX TYPE SA/2 V s L r TYPE SA/2 s r b m b L a a m North America Only M1204 Type FL Wide-Open Monitor TYPE PRX-120 V TYPE PRX-125 TYPE SA/2 L V s s b a L b a TYPE PRX TYPE SA/2 r s m r b L a m M1201 inlet pressure outlet pressure atmospheric pressure Loading pressure INTERMEDIATE pressure pilot supply pressure type prx: s - bleed port B - supply port L - loading port A - sensing port type sa/2: v - sensing port r - pilot supply port m - inlet port Type FL Working Monitor with Type PRX-125 Figure 5. Typical FL Installation Schematics 5
Open the catalog to page 5![Type FL Pressure Reducing Regulators - 6](
Bulletin 71.2:FL TYPE PRX-120 V TYPE SA/2 TYPE PRX-131 s b r L a m 1 s L b a A 4xA 6xA inlet pressure outlet pressure atmospheric pressure Loading pressure pilot supply pressure type prx: s - bleed port B - supply port L - loading port A - sensing port type sa/2: v - sensing port r - pilot supply port m - inlet port Type FL Regulator with Types PRX-120 and PRX-131 Pilots Figure 5. Typical FL Installation Schematics (continued) Installation Monitoring Systems Type FL regulators are installed in a horizontal or vertical pipeline. An optional outlet flange spacer (Figure 6, page 8) is...
Open the catalog to page 6![Type FL Pressure Reducing Regulators - 7](
Bulletin 71.2:FL Working Monitoring Regulators (Figure 5) In a working monitoring system, the upstream regulator requires two pilots and it is always the monitoring regulator. The additional pilot permits the monitoring regulator to act as a series regulator to control an intermediate pressure during normal operation. In this way, both units are always operating and can be easily checked for proper operation. In normal operation, the working regulator controls the outlet pressure of the system. The monitoring regulator’s working pilot controls the intermediate pressure and the monitoring...
Open the catalog to page 7All Tartarini catalogs and technical brochures
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