ASTM D1298 density apparatus
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ASTM D1298 density apparatus - 1

Tamson Instruments Specification sheet Density Measurement of Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method ASTM D287 - ASTM D1298 - ASTM D1429 - ASTM D1122 - IP 160 - API 2547 - ASTM D3142 - ASTM D6822 - ISO 3675 Menu selectable Bath volume Opening bath Depth bath Construction A Tamson TLC15-5 refrigerator circulates a (cold) flow through the double walls of the cylinders. The TLC15-5 maintains the bath temperature within ± 0.25°C of the test temperature required by the method. The PTFE valves ensure fast drainage and cleaning of the cylinder. The easy detachable spill tray prevents that portions of the sample are spilled on the workbench. The rack offers full view on the hydrometer. Our special support eliminates the problem of mounting brackets or portions of a thermostatic bath blocking the view to read the hydrometer scale. Height tripod General The ASTM D1298 method covers the laboratory determination using a glass hydrometer of the density, relative density (specific gravity) or American Petroleum Institute gravity of crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products. Products must have a Reid vapor pressure of 14.696 psi or less. With our apparatus, tests conform ASTM D3142 are also possible. The apparatus can also be used for the specific gravity of water and brine (ASTM D1429, test method D). Width tripod Small footprint Detachable spill tray Easy to drain and clean Stainless steel Hydrometer visible over full length Wide temperature range Length tripod Weight tripod 9 (glass cylinders included) Ambient temperature Products conform to CE regulation The apparatus contains of three glass cylinders with lids, a rack, and a TLC15-5 circulator. The Tamson D1298 apparatus offers an interesting price advantage compared to other solutions based on a combination of a thermostatic bath and an external chiller. The apparatus can also be used for ASTM D287, standard test method for API gravity of crude petroleum and petroleum products having a Reid vapour pressure of 26 psi (180 kPa) or less. For this method the gravities are determined at 60°F. The apparatus can also be used when using a thermohydrometer conform to ASTM D6822. Accuracy The system keeps the sample within 0.25C of the test temperature. Fine adjustment and offset After the temperature has become stable, the set point may be more accurately adjusted in the range of – 5.00 to +5.00 by programming the offset, if necessary.

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ASTM D1298 density apparatus - 2

Tamson Instruments Specification sheet Density Measurement of Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method Apparatus Ambient condition For proper cooling performance to stay within the specifications it is preferred that the ambient temperature is within 18°C…23°C. Hydrometers The precision hydrometers are manufactured conform to BS 718 or DIN 12791. Six positions One TLC15-5 circulator is able to control the temperature of six double wall cylinders and thus an additional rack can be connected in series. Part number for an additional rack with three cylinders is P/N 00T1260. Table 1: D1298...

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ASTM D1298 density apparatus - 3

Tamson Instruments Specification sheet Density Measurement of Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method Apparatus Continued table 1: D1298 Apparatus P/N 00T2000, 00T2001, 00T2002 consists of: Picture Quantity Description 3 Plastic hose connection straight GL14. Plastic hose connection angle GL14. Plastic screw cap red with opening GL 14.

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ASTM D1298 density apparatus - 4

Tamson Instruments Specification sheet Density Measurement of Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method Suggested accessories and option Table 2: Suggested accessories Suggested quantity ASTM S12C thermometer, range from -20 to +102°C with non-hazardous blue filling and works certificate. An additional complete rack with frame and cylinders. Table 3: Option Suggested quantity

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ASTM D1298 density apparatus - 5

Tamson Instruments Specification sheet Density Measurement of Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method Hydrometers General info M 50 series acc. to BS 718/DIN 12791 Ref. temperature (Tp.): 15 °C Measuring span: 0.050 g/cm³ Scale units: 0.001 g/cm³ Total length (L): 270 mm Hydrometer is supplied without certificate. The hydrometer can also be supplied with an ISO 17025 verification certificate with three test points. Then a “C” should be added to the reference number. A works certificate is also available. Then a ‘W’ should be added to the part number. Prices for both types of certificates...

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ASTM D1298 density apparatus - 6

Tamson Instruments Specification sheet Density Measurement of Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method Hydrometers General info L 50 series acc. to DIN 12791/BS 718 Ref. temperature (Tp.): 20 °C Measuring span: 0.050 g/cm³ Scale units: 0.0005 g/cm³ Total length (L): 335 mm Hydrometer is supplied without certificate. The hydrometer can also be supplied with an ISO 17025 verification certificate with three test points. Then a “C” should be added to the reference number. A works certificate is also available. Then a ‘W’ should be added to the part number. Prices for both types of certificates...

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ASTM D1298 density apparatus - 7

Tamson Instruments Specification sheet Density Measurement of Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method Hydrometers API Gravity hydrometer ASTM, 1H-62, API Gravity hydrometer ASTM, 2H-62, API Gravity hydrometer ASTM, 3H-62, API Gravity hydrometer ASTM, 4H-62, API Gravity hydrometer ASTM, 5H-62, API Gravity hydrometer ASTM, 6H-62, API Gravity hydrometer ASTM, 7H-62, API Gravity hydrometer ASTM, 8H-62, API Gravity hydrometer ASTM, 9H-62, API Gravity hydrometer ASTM, 10H-62, General info API Gravity hydrometer ASTM D287 REF. temperature (Tp.): 60°F Measuring span: API Scale units: 0.1 degrees...

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ASTM D1298 density apparatus - 8

Tamson Instruments Specification sheet Density Measurement of Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method Hydrometers API thermo-hydrometer at 60°F, length 380 mm, with special red or blue filling Description General info Part no. 25T3830B 25T3831B 25T3832B 25T3833B 25T3834B 25T3835B 25T3836B 25T3837B 25T3838B 25T3839B API Gravity thermo-hydrometer ASTM, 51H-62, -1+11:0,1°API API Gravity thermo-hydrometer ASTM, 52H-62, 9+21:0,1°API API Gravity thermo-hydrometer ASTM, 53H-62, 19+31:0,1°API API Gravity thermo-hydrometer ASTM, 54H-62, 29+41:0,1°API API Gravity thermo-hydrometer ASTM, 55H-62,...

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