Catalog excerpts

TURNING RADIUS Steering Steering Frontwheel6X4) Front wheel6X4) Allwheel(6X6) All wheel(6X6) Carrier inside12'11-1/2"(3950mm)9'3-13/16"(2840mm)Over boom extension32'7-3/4"(9950mm)25'9-1/16"(7850mm)Over carrier28'7-5/16"(8720mm)21'11-3/4"(6700mm)Over boom30'8-7/8"(9370mm)23'9-7/16"(7250mm) > Specifications are subject to change without notice. size="-1">
Open the catalog to page 1
1.1 FRAME1.8 BRAKE SYSTEM FAUN purpose built, 3 axle, box-type, torsion resistant, Service brake : Dual circuit compressed air system welded construction made of high tensile steel with with ABS and air-dryer. integrated outrigger housings. Equipped with front and rearParking brake : Spring loaded type, acting on 1st and fenders, front and rear towing and tie-down lugs and 2nd axles. towing connections and access ladders.Auxiliary brake : Engine exhaust brake and constant throttle engine brake system. 1.2 OUTRIGGERS Eddy-current brake(OPTIONAL)Four point, fully hydraulic, double telescopic...
Open the catalog to page 2
3.10 AUXILIARY WINCH(OPTIONAL) 3.1 SUPERSTRUCTURE FRAME A xial piston constant displacement motor, g rooved hoist Connected to carrier b y a sin g le-race ball bearin g slewin g drum, inte g ral planetar yg ear, automatic h y draulicall y rin g with external g earin g providin g 360continuous rotation. controlled sprin g -loaded multiple disc brake and inte g ralfree wheelin g( no sa gg in g of load b y hoistin g) . Winch drive 3. 2 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM assembl y connected to open h y draulic s y stem. Wire rope Three circuit diesel h y draulic s y stem with 1 axial piston twinwith "Superstop"...
Open the catalog to page 4
4242 WEST GREENS ROADHOUSTON, TEXAS 77066 U.S.A. PHONE: (281) 869-0030 EXT. 315 FAX: (281) 869-0040 Parts Hotline: (281) 869-0033 Service Hotline: (281) 869-5925Web site: www.tadanoamerica.comE-mail: sales@tadano-cranes.com 4242 West Greens Rd., Houston, Texas, 77066 U.S.A. PHONE:(281) 869-0030 FAX:(281) 869-0040http://www.tadanoamerica.com Form No. TAC-ATF50G-4-080123 >
Open the catalog to page 20All TADANO FAUN catalogs and technical brochures
24 Pages
16 Pages
CC 28.600-2
124 Pages
AC 4.070-2
56 Pages
AC 2.040-1
52 Pages
66 Pages
ATF 110G-5
50 Pages
ATF 40G-2
20 Pages
ATF 60G-3
44 Pages
HK 40
28 Pages
GTC-800, GTC-600
7 Pages
AC 100
1 Pages
Lift Adjuster
4 Pages
ATF 180G-5
32 Pages
ATF 200G-5
58 Pages
ATF 220G-5
58 Pages
ATF 400G-6
108 Pages
ATF 600G-8
54 Pages
Boom extension HTLJ
2 Pages
ATF 220G-5 EM 4
48 Pages
ATF 50G-3
26 Pages
ATF 70G-4
24 Pages
AC 120-1
1 Pages
ATF 160G-5
1 Pages
AC 100
1 Pages
ATF 80-4
1 Pages
GMK 3050
1 Pages
GMK 2035
1 Pages
LTM 1040/1
1 Pages
RTF 40-3
1 Pages
ATF 100G-4
28 Pages
ATF 90G-4
38 Pages
HK 70 Tadano Faun
16 Pages
HK 65
18 Pages
ATF 130G-5
30 Pages
Archived catalogs
HK 70_2016
20 Pages
HK 70_2013
16 Pages
HK 60
10 Pages
16 Pages
20 Pages
20 Pages
2 Pages