Catalog excerpts

1/ Overview We develop pilot-scale fermenters and bioreactors for cultivation of microorganisms and cell cultures. Our equipment is designed to meet the requirements of process optimization, scale-up and characterization in biotech and biopharmaceutical industry. 2/ Culture vessels Standard range comprises culture vessels with total volumes from 15L to 300L. However, we can design and manufacture vessels of any required volume starting from 10L up to thousands of liters. SYSBIOTECH pilot-scale and production-scale fermenters and bioreactors have similar geometries to maximize performance and simplify transition between scales. They also have fully aseptic design and can be easily validated. 3/ C-BIO2TM control system New C-BIO2™ operator and control platform provides enhanced functionality and process control options as well as full integration and connectivity to SYSBIOTECH’s Process Line equipment and third party supervisory software, making it the ideal scale-down model for your large-scale process. 4/ Ready to use Each SYSBIOTECH pilot-scale system is supplied ‘complete’, equipped with all the necessary piping, mounted ergonomically on a mobile stainless steel frame and shipped together with the necessary accessories and consumables for operation. 5/ Customization Modular design allows for customization of the system configuration, in order to perfectly fit your application-specific requirements. Our technical sale support specialists are happy to support you with configuring the system that satisfies your needs.
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6/ SYSBIOTECH fermenters and O Ready-to-work standard solutions with the ability to upgrade. O 100% aseptic design, easy validation. O Different types of impellers: Rushton, marine-blade, pitched-blade right- and left-handed orientation with radial or axial flow. O Motor with single mechanical or magnetic seal guarantees 100% aseptic operation. O Mixing speed 30-600 rpm (standard option); up to 1,500 rpm upon request. O Standard sensors: temperature, pressure, speed, pH, pO2, and foam. biorteactors main features: O Sensors upon request: OD, ORP, level, weight, conductivity, pCO2, gas...
Open the catalog to page 2All SYSBIOTECH catalogs and technical brochures
Complex projects
2 Pages
2 Pages
Control system
2 Pages
2 Pages
Separators and centrifuges
2 Pages
Company overview
6 Pages