Catalog excerpts

Chapter 1: Before You Start 2 1.3 System modes and LED indicators 4 Chapter 2: Hardware Components Installation 12 2.5 Install PCIe Add-in Cards 18 2.6 Add Memory Modules to Synology Unified Controller 26 2.7 Expansion Unit Deployment and Topology 29 Chapter 3: Initial System Setup 33 3.1 Start up Your Synology Unified Controller 33 Chapter 4: System Maintenance 35 4.2 Replace Power Supply Unit (PSU) 36 5.2 Common issues resolution 39 5.3 Before you contact Synology Technical Support 43 5.4 Contacting Synology Technical Support 44 5.5 Getting information, help, and service 45
Open the catalog to page 2
:stnetnoc woleb eht fo yna gnissim si egakcap ruoy fi relleser ruoy tcatnoC .tcudorp lautca eht morf reffid yam dna ,ylno sesoprup evitartsulli rof era woleb segami llA .rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS ruoy gnigamad ro flesruoy gnimrah diova ot ylluferac snoitcurtsni ytefas eht daer ot erus ekam ,oslA .woleb smeti eht deviecer evah uoy taht yfirev ot stnetnoc egakcap eht kcehc esaelp ,rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS wen ruoy pu gnittes erofeB !tcudorp ygolonyS siht gnisahcrup rof uoy knahT tratS uoY erofeB :1 retpahC
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Notes: 1. For more information about the rail kit installation, please refer to the Quick Installation Guide that comes with the rail kit. 2. For more information about Synology Expansion Unit supported by your Synology Unified Controller, please visit Synology's official website.
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System modes definitions There are 5 system modes in Synology Unified Controller. The System modes and their definitions are as below:
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Transitions between System Modes To better understand the transition between system modes, please refer to the examples below: • Powered on with no DSM UC installed: Powered off > Powering on > DSM UC not ready • Powered on with DSM UC installed: Powered off > Powering on > DSM UC not ready > DSM UC is ready for use • Shutdown: DSM UC is ready for use > Shutting down > Powered off • Power failure with UPS attached: DSM UC is ready for use > DSM UC not ready (due to power failure, DSM UC enters safe mode) > Shutting down > Powered off > Powering on (power has recovered, DSM UC will reboot) >...
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Notes: 1. Model specifications are subject to change without notice. Refer to Synology website for the latest information. 1.6 Spare Parts Refer to Spare Parts if you need to replace system fans, disk trays, or power supply units. Model Name Picture
Open the catalog to page 10
seirosseccA lanoitpO 7.1 .tik liar eht llatsni ylluferac dna noitamrofni deliated rof ediuG noitallatsnI kciuQ eht ot refer esaelP .1 eludoM draoB niaM sliar gnidilS
Open the catalog to page 11
.noitamrofni erom rof tsiL ytilibitapmoC stcudorP ygolonyS ot refeR .ytilibats dna ytilibitapmoc tuoba gniyrrow tuohtiw stnemnorivne ssenisub tnereffid tif ot rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS ruoy ezimotsuc nac uoy ,seirossecca ygolonyS htiW
Open the catalog to page 12
.noitamrofni ytefas lla weiver ,rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS ruoy ni stnenopmoc yna gnivomer ro gnillatsni erofeB .mc-fgk )3.0-/+( 0.4 ot gnidaer euqrot sti tes ,desu si revirdwercs citamotua na fI .1 .noitallatsni erofeb atad tnatropmi yna pu kcab esaelP .atad gnitsixe lla esare dna evird eht tamrof lliw metsys eht ,atad sniatnoc taht evird a llatsni uoy fI )sledom elbitapmoc rof ereh eeS( evird SAS "5.2 ro "5.3 eno tsael tA .2 )pit ssorc a htiw( revirdwercs 2# spillihP .1 .serudecorp noitallatsni eht ni desu sloot lanoitpo dna deriuqer eht stsil noitces sihT n oi t all a t s n I stnenopmoC...
Open the catalog to page 13
.rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS eht fo ycnatcepxe efil eht ecuder osla yam egamad fo epyt sihT .stnenopmoc evitisnes-citats rehto ro sdraob metsys ot segamad rehto ro ,atad fo ssol ,tlah metsys ot dael thgim srotcudnoc rehto ro regnif a morf egrahcsid yticirtcele citatS egrahcsid citatsortcele gnitneverP .rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS eht no rewop neht dna slarehpirep dehcatta eht no rewoP .2 .teltuo lacirtcele na ot rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS eht tcennoc dna slarehpirep eht tcennoceR .1 rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS ruoy edisni gnikrow retfA .slarehpirep eht tcennocsid dna teltuo lacirtcele eht...
Open the catalog to page 14
.ecruos rewop eht morf detcennocsid era sdroc rewop lla taht erusne ,ecived eht morf tnerruc lacirtcele lla evomer oT .drazah kcohs cirtcele ,gninraW .elbats dna tcerroc si dedivorp egatlov CA eht taht erusnE .egatlov ylppus rewop tcerroc eht otni deggulp eb tsum )s(droc rewop ehT .secafrus elbatsnu yna ro strac no ti ecalp ton od ,revo gnillaf morf tinu eht tneverp oT .srenaelc losorea lacimehc esu ton oD .ecafrus eht epiw ot htolc pmad a esu dna )s(droc rewop eht gulpnu ,gninaelc erofeB .sdiuqil morf yawa tinu eht peeK .semit lla ta pu edis thgir tinu eht ecalP .ytidimuh ro erutarepmet ni...
Open the catalog to page 15
.tuo pop lliw eldnah yart evird eht dna ,nwod nottub eht sserP .eldnah yart evird eht fo edis tfel eht ta detacol nottub llams eht dniF .a .yart evird eht nepO .1 .sevird ot segnahc ekam uoy erofeb atad tnatropmi lla pu kcaB .7 .elbissop sa noos sa evird paws-toh wen eht llatsni ,evird paws-toh a gnicalper nehW .6 .setunim evif gnideecxe noitarud a rof revoc rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS tuohtiw metsys eht etarepo ton oD .ti edisni tfel neeb evah stcejbo rehto ro sloot on taht dna rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS eht raen si eno on taht erusne ,revoc pot sti tuohtiw rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS eht...
Open the catalog to page 16
.ecalp ni evird eht eruces ot swercs eht nethgit dna nwod edispu yart eht nruT .woleb nwohs sa aera eht ni evird eht ecalP :sevird "5.2 roF .ecalp ni evird eht eruces ot swercs eht nethgit dna nwod edispu yart eht nruT .yart evird eht ni evird eht ecalP :sevird "5.3 roF .syart evird eht ni sevird daoL .2 .woleb detartsulli sa tuo eldnah yart evird eht lluP .b
Open the catalog to page 17
.yart evird eht eruces ot drawni eldnah eht hsuP .4 .ylreporp noitcnuf ton thgim evird eht ,esiwrehtO .detresni yletelpmoc si yart eht erus ekaM .yab evird ytpme eht otni yart evird dedaol eht tresnI .3
Open the catalog to page 18
.rellortnoc eno tuo llup ot revel esaeler eht lluP .esiwkcolcretnuoc ti gninrut yb rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS ruoy fo kcab eht no rellortnoc eht eruces taht swercs eht nesooL .2 .egamad elbissop yna tneverp ot rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS ruoy ot detcennoc selbac lla tcennocsiD .rellortnoC deifinU ygolonyS ruoy nwod tuhS .1 sdrac ecafretni krowten eht llatsni oT .dellatsni eb ot sdrac ecafretni krowten gniwolla ,noisnapxe drac ni-dda lanoitpo rof tols 8x eICP owt sedivorp 0043CU sdraC ni-ddA elCP llatsnI 5.2 .yticapac evird fo esu tseb eht ekam ot ezis lacitnedi fo sevird gnillatsni...
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