Swedlinghaus general Catalogue
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Catalog excerpts

Swedlinghaus general Catalogue - 1

IERI... la storia Dietro quel “SWEDLINGHAUS” che avrebbe evocato l’affidabilità e la solidità tipicamente germaniche, si nasconde una storia aziendale interamente italiana. Fondata a Torino nel 1950 dai F.lli Tommasi, viene acquisita e trasferita a Fermo, nelle Marche, nel 1971 dalla famiglia Longo. Ben presto, la piccola bottega familiare inizia il suo processo di crescita fino a diventare un’azienda leader nella produzione di affettatrici, segaossi e macchine alimentari. Dal 1994 la Swedlinghaus inoltre ha consolidato una fitta rete commerciale partecipando alle maggiori fiere nazionali e internazionali. YESTERDAY… the history Behind that “SWEDLINGHAUS”, that would have recalled the typical German reliability and solidity, is hidden a completely Italian company history. Established in Turin, in 1950 by Tommasi brothers, it was then acquired and transferred in Fermo, in Marche region, in 1971 by Longo family. Soon, the small and family run shop starts its growing process until becoming a leading company in the production of slicers, bone bandsaws, and food preparation machines. Since 1994, Swedlinghaus, has been consolidating a wide business network taking part to the major national and international exhibitions. OGGI... chi siamo Swedlinghaus oggi è una realtà solida, con alle spalle un’ampia esperienza, dedita alla continua ricerca di materiali e finiture interamente “made in Italy”, sinonimo di qualità. Un’azienda artigianale molto snella in grado di garantire la massima flessibilità e che nel cambio generazionale ha conservato l’entusiasmo nel continuare ad accogliere le sfide del mercato, motivata dal desiderio di rimanere un partner indiscusso. TODAY… who we are Today Swedlinghaus is a strong and solid reality, with a great experience behind, devoted to a continuous research of materials and finishing entirely “Made in Italy”, synonym of quality. A craft and simple company which can grant the greatest flexibility and which, during the generation changing, has conserved the enthusiasm of accepting the market challenges, motivated by the desir

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Swedlinghaus general Catalogue - 2

Food Equipment AFFETTATRICI A GRAVITÀ TRASMISSIONE A CINGHIA • Belt driven gravity slicer • Trancheur gravité à courroie • Riemen-Antrieb Schwerkraft-Aufschnittmaschine • Cortadora de fiambre a gravedad tracción por correa HIER…l’histoire Derrière ce “Swedlinghaus”, qui devait évoquer la fiabilité et la solidité typiquement allemande, se cache une histoire complètement italienne. Etablie à Torino en 1950 par les frères Tommasi, la compagnie sera ensuite acquise et déplacée à Fermo, dans la région Marche, en 1971 par la famille Longo. Bientôt, le petit atelier familial commence son processus...

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Swedlinghaus general Catalogue - 3

Food Equipment AFFETTATRICI A GRAVITÀ TRASMISSIONE A CINGHIA • Belt driven gravity slicer • Trancheur gravité à courroie • Riemen-Antrieb SchwerkraftAufschnittmaschine • Cortadora de fiambre a gravedad tracción por correa AF350GR lama 350 mm - 230V monofase - 400V trifase blade 350 mm - 230V monophase - 400V threephase AF370GR lama 370 mm - 230V monofase - 400V trifase blade 370 mm - 230V monophase - 400V threephase AF380GR lama 380 mm - 230V monofase - 400V trifase blade 380 mm - 230V monophase - 400V threephase AFFETTATRICI A GRAVITÀ TRASMISSIONE AD INGRANAGGI • Gear driven gravity slicer...

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Swedlinghaus general Catalogue - 4

Food Equipment AFFETTASALUMI SERIE SILVER Manopole e piedini in alluminio anodizzato / Anodized aluminum knobs and feet • Vertical slicer for cold cuts Silver series • Trancheur vertical charcuterie série Silver • Vertikal-Aufschnittmaschine für Wurstwaren Serie Silver • Cortadora de fiambre verticale serie Silver AF300SVS lama 300 mm - 230V monofase - 400V trifase blade 300 mm - 230V monophase - 400V threephase AF330SVS lama 330 mm - 230V monofase - 400V trifase blade 330 mm - 230V monophase - 400V threephase AF350SVS lama 350 mm - 230V monofase - 400V trifase blade 350 mm - 230V monophase...

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Swedlinghaus general Catalogue - 5

Food Equipment AFFETTATRICE A GRAVITÀ SERIE TOP • Belt driven gravity slicer Top series • Trancheur gravité à courroie serie Top • Riemen-Antrieb Schwerkraft Aufschnittmaschine Serie Top • Cortadora de fiambre tracción por correa serie Top AF350GR TOP lama 350 mm 230V monofase - 400V trifase Food Equipment AFFETTATRICE MANUALE VOLANO • Flywheel manual slicer • Trancheur manuel à volant • Manuelle Schwungrad-Aufschnittmaschine • Cortadora manual volano AF250VOL lama 250 mm manuale / blade 250 mm hand operated AF300VOL lama 300 mm manuale / blade 300 mm hand operated blade 350 mm 230V...

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Swedlinghaus general Catalogue - 6

Food Equipment SEGAOSSI VERNICIATI • Bone bandsaw - Painted • Scie à os - Verni • Knochenbandsäge - Bemalte • Sierra de cinta para huesos - Pintada SEG1600VT lama 1600 mm verniciato - 400V trifase blade 1600 mm painted 400V threephase SEG1600VM lama 1600 mm verniciato - 230V monofase blade 1600 mm painted 230V monophase SEG1800VT lama 1800 mm verniciato - 400V trifase blade 1800 mm painted 400V threephase SEG1800VM lama 1800 mm verniciato - 230V monofase blade 1800 mm painted 230V monophase → Lama per segaossi tipo1600-1800 / Bandsaw blade 1600-1800 → Cavalletto per segaossi completo di...

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Swedlinghaus general Catalogue - 7

Food Equipment MESCOLATORI PER CARNI • Meat mixer • Mélangeur à viande • Fleischmischer • Amasadora de carne MES30 30 Kg. monopala da banco - 400V trifase single-paddle counter-top meat mixer - 400V threephase MES30C 30 Kg. monopala carrellata - 400V trifase single-paddle wheeled meat mixer - 400V threephase MES50 50 Kg. monopala - 400V trifase / single-paddle meat mixer - 400V threephase MES50P2 50 Kg. bipala - 400V trifase / double-paddle meat mixer - 400V threephase MES75 75 Kg. monopala - 400V trifase / single-paddle meat mixer - 400V threephase MES1002P 100 Kg. bipala - 400V trifase /...

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All Swedlinghaus srl catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Meat mixer

    2 Pages

  2. Dough mixer

    2 Pages