Catalog excerpts

UMPER UMPER UMPER UMPER > CREENER CREENER CREENER CREENER > YSTEM YSTEMP YSTEM YSTEM P > ROTECT ROTECT ROTECT ROTECT Y Y > OUR OUR OUR OUR P P > ROCESS . . . ROCESS... ROCESS . . . ROCESS... P P > ROTECT ROTECT ROTECT ROTECT Y Y > OUR OUR OUR OUR W W > ORKERS ORKERS ORKERS ORKERS he quality containment system of the Sweco Bag Dumper and Screener System effectively reduces the amount of dust particles escaping into the work environment, while efficiently channelling materials from bags into a Sweco separator. The dust containment system is integrated with a high performance Sweco Low Profile Flow-Thru Separator, allowing for high capacity dry scalping in a compact, low headroom design. The Bag Dumper eliminates the need for costly and time consuming labor hours necessary to clean up spilled material by capturing airborne dust particles before they can even enter the environment. The Bag Dumper System can be supplemented with an optional Integral Dust Collection System to eliminate virtually all harmful dust from entering the work environment. Potential injuries can be avoided because this system is designed to be ergonomically correct at the standard height of the worker. The Bag Dumper is particularly beneficial in applications where material is fed into the process directly from purchased bags and must be screened to eliminate lumps, pieces of bag, paper, string or any other foreign material. The Sweco Bag Dumper and Screener System will provide your business with a more efficient, more economical, safer work environment. ή F ITS W ELL I NTO E XISTING We Put Technology In Motion WePutTechnologyInMotionٙ D UST C OLLECTION S YSTEMS www.sweco.com SWECO HEADQUARTERS, P.O. Box 1509, 8029 U.S. Highway 25, Florence, KY 41022-1509: +1 (859) 371.4360 Fax: +1(859) 283.8469 SWECO MACON, 2919 Joycliff Road, Macon, GA 31211-2805: +1 (478) 745.5419 Fax: +1 (478) 741.1394 SWECO EUROPE S.A., Rue de la Recherche, 8, Parc Industriel Sud-Zone I, B-1400 Nivelles, Belgium: +32-67-893434 Fax: +32.67.214368 SWECO ASIA, 63 Hillview Ave. #03-02, Lam Soon Industrial Building, Singapore 669569:+65.6762.1167 Fax: +65.6762.1313 SWEQUIPOS S.A. DE C.V., Aut. Mex-Qro, #2500 Km. 23.2, Tlalnepantla, Edo. Mexico: +52 (5) 390-07-32, Fax: +52 (5) 565-98-18 size="-4">
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O > PTIONAL I > NTEGRAL D > UST C > OLLECTOR P > ROTECTS O > PERATOR F > ROM V > IRTUALLY A > LL H > ARMFUL D > UST Combines several functions into one complete systemContains fine powders that typically become airborne Protects the health of workers Improves housekeeping Reduces labor costs Reduces material losses Reduces potential for dust explosions Reduces cycle-time Fits well into existing dust collection systems Ergonomically correct R > EMOVEABLE M > ETAL G > RATE A > CTS A > S B > AG R > EST A > ND P > REVENTS S > CREEN D > AMAGE We Put Technology In Motion TM e-mail: info@sweco.com...
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Archived catalogs
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