Catalog excerpts
|t—U S. Food and Drug Administration Protecting and Promoting your Health Certificate of FDA Registration on Radiation Emitting Product This certifies that the following Radiation Emitting Product LasermarlUng machne which Is bdong to Material Procossing Lasor Products Model No.: ST-FL10. ST-FL20. ST-FL39. ST-FL50. ST-FL100. ST-CO2L10. ST-C02L33.; ST-CO2L60. ST-CO2L100.ST.0LW. ST.DL75.ST.0L100. ST-UVOJ. ST-UV0S.ST-UV08. ST-LCE-3KE. ST-LCE4KC. ST-LCE-1325. ST-LCE1533. ST-LCE1218 Appllod by Suzhou Suntop «•' Technology Co.. Ltd No 1018. J:a Yuan Road. Xiang Cheng Oatret. Suzhouoty.Chna.215000 Has boongrantod by FDA Registration number: 1731413-001 Registration Status: Valid Ptaaaa Horn that 21 CM 1002 IJ.raoiAItvanm^lraponalotaaUrWnaaaacftmatar Saptaatat t uat^T\aappto^a1a>apcrtlnglo,m for annual tapotlaar^ 2! Cff> -.002 It. taqulrtngtaperl tuppfarran la wntfercerfeto crcumdartcaafoMomirtg ft* aama tapering forma aiuaad foe product taper* oaf our produo I a .C-fcAk U S. Food and Drug Administration Iriyyde Prolocting and Pro moling VourHoallh This certifies that the following Radiation Emitting Product Laser cultng machine which Is bolong to Material Procossing Lasor Products Model No.: ST-FCUlO. ST-CC 1810. ST-FC2513. ST-CCS030. ST.FC0080.ST.CC3015. ST.CC 1812. ST-FC301SPR. ST-OCSOO. ST.FC 1300. ST-CC2030. ST-FCSOSO. ST-CC80I0. ST.CC3018.STCC2S13. ST.CCl8lO.ST-f C8040 ST.FC W1SC. ST.CC13W. ST-OC2WO. ST-FC0080.ST.FC2S13PR. ST-FC30lS.ST-CC»000. ST-DCiOOO. ST-PC1312 Applied by Suzhou S-nto? laser Technology Co.. Ltd No 1018. >a Yuan Road. Xtang Cheng 0«tr.ct Suzhou oty. Chna.215000 Ha* boongrantod by FOA Registration numbor: i73Uf3-GCC Registration Statu*: MW* hM aa Nom tKa* 2! CM 1002 13. taqvHag a*rr*atrape«a to a* a yt-m»tad aac a aaa-t, Saf**T*art'.V’>gt>aattKtrf»’araf<rThgformt„a»**/rapcr‘ar>d:tcra 1002 It raqtjrtng taper* ******* a tsadar carta* t tretfencee lot oWag fta aaraa rapontag krma aaaaadforgrodirtttaper* ertfot^frodtrola U S. Food and Drug Administration IrllM Protoctmg and Promoting VourHoallh Certificate of FDA Registration on Radiation Emitting Product Thlt certiflM that the following Radiation Emitting Product Laser cuttng rrwchne which Is bdong to Material Procossing Lasor Products Model No.: ST-FC1510. ST-CC 1810. ST-FC2S13.ST-CCS030. ST.F0080.ST-CC3015. ST-CC1812. ST-FC3015PR. ST-DCW0. ST.FC 1300. ST-CC2030. ST-FCSOSO. ST-CC8040. ST.CC3018. ST-CC2S13. ST-CC 1810. ST-FCC940 ST-FC 301 SC. ST.CC13W. ST-OC2000. ST-FC8080. ST-FC2513PR. ST-FC3015.ST-CC0OS0. ST-OClOOO. ST-FC1 Jl2 Applied by Suz hou S uitop laser Techno1 ogy Co.. Ltd No 1018. J a Yuan Road. X.ang Cheng 0 ether. Suzhou ©ty. Cfma.2lS0O0 Has boongrantod by FDA Registration numbor:»7j!«»j-oco Registration Status: Va>>d htee ~ Horn tSa! 21 Cf A1002 I >. ra qyHag aarura! taperta ta t* aao A r** ' CERTIFICATE ATTESTATION CERTIFICATE OF MACHINERY AND ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIRI1ITY AND LOW VOLTAGE DIRECTIVES irrH-aaajtrma*. XOVC/TC »A> *))«/ ttrtu LO- Vrrt*je Ooatf.. im *ojm i xoa/ac »ie ono ntnmi
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SUNTOP Laser Product Brochure
35 Pages
SUNTOP laser machine's E-catalog
50 Pages