Single layer type suction cup for MAF metal plate


Catalog excerpts

Single layer type suction cup for MAF metal plate - 1

Vacuum Vacuum pad Pad Single layer type suction cup for MAF metal plate Selection of pad assembly hardness ShoreA Nitrile rubber Nitrile rubber ŝ Installation method Ŝ Mounting thread Operating temperature range Applicable diameter of suction cup Ȏ Outline dimension drawing It is mainly used for absorbing automobile stamping steel plate, oil surface steel plate, glass, ordinary metal sheet, etc Thread size New SURGXFWV ¿OP paper SODVWLFEDJ 6KHHWPHWDO Installation modeM Installation mode ([WHUQDO WKUHDG H[WHUQDO WKUHDG Ś ([WHUQDOWKUHDGH[WHUQDOWKUHDG ś ,QWHUQDOWKUHDGLQWHUQDOWKUHDG Ŝ ([WHUQDOWKUHDGH[WHUQDOWKUHDG ([WHUQDO WKUHDG H[WHUQDO WKUHDG ([WHUQDO WKUHDG H[WHUQDO WKUHDG

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