Anaerobic Digestion Technology
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Anaerobic Digestion Technology - 1

Fact Sheet Anaerobic Digestion Technology Bringing advanced anaerobic digestion (AD) technology to the biowaste and biosolids industries Designed to recycle biosolids and biowaste into methane and valuable byproducts, GE’s Monsal advanced digestion (AD) technologies use bacteria in the absence of oxygen to break down matter to create biogas. The biogas can be combusted or oxidized and used for heating or with a gas engine to produce electricity and heat; it can also be compressed and used as fuel for vehicles or as a fertilizer. GE’s advanced AD processes provide customers with: • Full system approach: All components of the advanced AD process, including desludging, mixing, heat exchanges, and pre-treatment, are designed to work as one system to help increase efficiency and minimize energy costs. Optimal energy balance to maximize system yield and performance: Creating a sys- tem that produces the same, or more, energy than it requires allows customers to significantly lower operating costs and minimize waste in the overall sludge processing stage. Mixing equipment that achieves >90% active volume in sludge digesters: By cre- ating a larger active area in the sludge digesters, the systems enable the customer to produce the same amount of biogas within a smaller footprint. • Smart heat exchangers designed for thick sludge: Special designed heat ex- changers promote a steady state temperature within the digester, leading to better system control and increased yields of gas. Anaerobic treatment opportunities will continue to expand worldwide as municipalities and food waste producers look to reduce the environment impact, increase operational efficiency and drive down costs. Providing customers with a cost effective, relatively low maintenance way to turn food waste and sewage sludge into electricity, GE helps companies get one step closer to energy neutrality. Find a contact near you by visiting and clicking on “Contact Us”. * Trademark of General Electric Company; may be registered in one or more countries. ©2014, General Electric Company. All rights reserved. FSatAD_Technology_EN.doc Sep-14

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