Deperming Systems & Magnetic Measurement Range
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Catalog excerpts

Deperming Systems & Magnetic Measurement Range - 1

Deperming and Magnetic Measurement Ranges Earth Magnetic Field Simulator (EMFS) Overrun Deperming & Measurement Range (ODMR) Cage-Type Deperming & Measurement Range (CDMR) Half-Space Deperming & Measurement Range (HDMR) STL Systems AG Hauptstrasse 137E CH-8274 Tägerwilen Switzerland

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Deperming Systems & Magnetic Measurement Range - 2

Ship Magnetism Permanent Magnetization (P) Static part of ships magnetic signatures stays with ship, dependent on: ■ Hull material properties ■ Construction of ship, size and shape ■ Time and position in geomagnetic field 4 Countermeasure: Deperming Ranges Induced Magnetization (I) Dynamic part of ships magnetic signature stays with external field, dependent on: ■ Geomagnetic field ■ Heading and movement of ship ■ Construction of ship, size and shape 4 Countermeasure: On-board Degaussing Systems P/I separation after magnetic signature measurement is a prerequisite for on-board degaussing...

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Deperming Systems & Magnetic Measurement Range - 3

Typical Deperming and Measurement Range Underwater Construction Due to different project experiences STL has as well the capability to provide the underwater construction according to its own layout of the system, its cable weight and with respect to the existing seabed situation. In the following picture there is an example of such an underwater construction for coil cable installation. Typical Example of an Underwater Construction of a Deperming and Measurement Range

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Deperming Systems & Magnetic Measurement Range - 4

Earth Magnetic Field Simulator German Navy Earth Magnetic Field Simulator STL offers Earth Magnetic Field Simulator (EMFS) and deperming systems tailored to the specific requirements of the customer. The EMFS of the German Navy situated in Lehmbek demonstrates STL’s capability in this field. Due to the increasing Navy‘s world wide operational area in national and international missions, the threat by mines and torpedoes with magnetic detonator increases. Therefore, it is essentially important that the Navy has the capability and feasibility to both reduce the ships own magnetic signature of...

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Deperming Systems & Magnetic Measurement Range - 5

Cage-Type Deperming and Measurement Range (CDMR) The next generation of earth field simulators will contain the combination of measurement system together with deperming system to optimize the magnetic signature of an undergoing treatment vessel in saving time and costs by optimization the usage of the specified area. The cage-type deperming system allows to retrieve the permanent and magnetically induced signatures of the ships and to apply the magnetic treatment for reducing the signature in one single system. significantly with respect to its vertical component. Therefore, the signature...

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Deperming Systems & Magnetic Measurement Range - 6

Half-Space Deperming and Measurement Range (HDMR) Treatment and magnetic measurement of Navy vessels in combination with low costs and area economy lead to a range that combines the advantages of ODMR and CDMR, where all system entities are installed vertically on a low-level magnetic jetty or pier. STL has developed this idea becoming the Half-Space Deperming Range (HDMR) providing cost and time effective deperming and measurement processes for Navy vessels with an optimal benefit-cost-ratio. Modelling of an HDMR on an existing Jetty Above sketch shows the HDMR combining simulation and...

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Deperming Systems & Magnetic Measurement Range - 7

Summary General Deperming System ODMR CDMR HDMR

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Deperming Systems & Magnetic Measurement Range - 8

Your Reliable and Competent Partner for Deperming and Measurement Ranges STL Systems AG Hauptstrasse 137E CH-8274 Tagerwilen Switzerland Tel. +41 511 00 50 Fax +41 511 00 51 Related Sales Office: STL Ludwig GmbH Fraunhofer Str. 3 D-25524 Itzehoe Germany Tel. +49 4821 178 3710 About STL STL is specialized in solving complex and demanding technical challenges by high technology system approaches used for naval and industrial applications. STL excels in the ability to combine specific requirement of discerning customers with...

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