Catalog excerpts

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Productos mtis sanos y sabrosos Tests made on soups show o dramatic improvement for preservation of micronutriments like vitamin C ond polyphenols compared to traditional processes (including pasteurization). Pruebas hechas con sopas muestran una mejora incref- como la vitamina C y los polifenoles en comporocion con procesos tradicionales (incluyendo posteurizocidn). % de vilomino C conservodo 1'«de poienotes conservodos Static - Estalico Using SHAKA™ equipment allows a lower level of salt in the recipe for an equivalent aromatic bolonce as tested on soups. Utilizar un equipo SHAKA™ permite...
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5 to 10 reduction in cycle time de 5 hasta 10 veces de reduction
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Steiiflow SAS is a 35-year old company. It manufactures outodoves for STERIFLOW SAS fabrica autoclaves desde hace 35 arios para las industries the food and pharmaceutical industries. It is the inventor of the coscoding olimenticias y farmoce'uticas. STERIFLOW desarrolld el proceso de ducha de process. More than 2500 autoclaves ore octive around the worid in more agua. Tiene mds de 2500 autoclaves en activo por todo el mundo en mds than 110 countries. Steriflow has a full range of autoclaves and accessories de 110 poises. STERIFLOW dispone de una gamo completo de autoclaves y and is...
Open the catalog to page 4All Steriflow catalogs and technical brochures
Plaquette alimentaire
6 Pages
Archived catalogs
4 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
front loading autoclave
1 Pages