Catalog excerpts

Go Beyond Simple Quality Control:Don't Just React to Problems,ANTICIPATE Them! ✔✔✔✔✔✔ Predict QC problems with cutting-edge data mining methods. Discover root causes of problem areas. Monitor and improve ROI(return on investment). Generate suggestions for improvement. Monitor processes in real-time over the Web. Create and deploy QC/SPC solutions over the Web. ✔✔✔✔✔✔ > STSTAATISTICA has receivedTISTICA has receivedthe highest rating inthe highest rating inEVEREVERY comparativeY comparativereview of statisticsreview of statisticssoftware in which it hassoftware in which it hasbeen featured since itsbeen featured since itsfirst release in 1993.first release in 1993. www.statsoft.com size="-1">
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STATISTICA QC Data Miner - is a powerful software solution designed to monitor processes and notonly identify but also ANTICIPATE problems related to quality control and improvement with unmatchedsensitivity and effectiveness. It combines the most powerful tools for QC and SPC with the cutting-edgedata mining technology. Designed for 2 types ofusers, those who need either: STATISTICAQCMiner integrates the complete functionality of STATISTICA soft-ware for quality control and improvement with A complete turn-keyӔ (deployed) solution STATISTICA Data Miner software for uncovering hiddentrends,...
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Six Sigma
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Desktop Solutions STATISTICA
1 Pages
STATISTICA Neural Networks
2 Pages
2 Pages
STATISTICA Data Warehouse
5 Pages
2 Pages