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FIJI - 1

FIJI FAME in Jet, Middle Distillate & Residual Fuel ASTM D1655; ASTM D7797; DEF STAN 91-91; IP 583; ASTM D7963 • Certified range 10-150 mg/kg for AVTUR • Certified range 20 mg/kg to 20% for middle distillate and residual • Analysis time 15 minutes (approx) • 50ml sample • Fully automatic • Suitable for untrained operators Stanhope-Seta, London Street, Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 8AP, UK t: +44 (0) 1932 564391 | e: | www.seta-analyt

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FIJI - 2

FAME in Jet Fuel Aviation fuel does not typically contain FAME, however wherever aviation fuel is transported there is a risk of FAME contamination from mixing with previous cargos or poor pipeline/tank cleaning, whether at a terminal or onboard a ship. How does FAME get into jet fuel? • FAME is a surfactant (surface active agent) which means it adheres to metal surfaces such as pipeline walls or tankers • In many cases diesel and jet fuel use shared distribution systems such as multi-product pipelines, tankers and barges. • If jet fuel follows a cargo of biodiesel or BX diesel, FAME can be...

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FIJI - 3

FIJI JF- FAME in Jet Fuel ASTM D1655; ASTM D7797; DEF STAN 91-91; IP 583 Background In response to FAME contamination in jet fuel, Stanhope-Seta in conjunction with a major oil company developed a measurement procedure based on the use of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) cartridge technology and IR spectroscopy. This development resulted in a new patented technique using flow analysis by FTIR- Fourier transform infra red spectroscopy and the publication of IP 583 and ASTM D7797. The patented FAME in Jet Instrument (FIJI JF) offers the industry a rapid and easy check on Parts Per Million (ppm or...

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FIJI - 4

FIJI DRG- FAME In Distillate & Residual Fuel ASTM D7963 FIJI technology applies to other types of fuel such as; middle distillates and residual grades. FIJI DRG includes additional chemometrics for testing in accordance with ASTM D7963, therefore providing the industry with a simple check on Parts Per Million (ppm or mg/kg) of FAME in distillate and residual Fuels. It has a typical measurement range of 0 to 1000 mg/kg and by use of a proprietary diluent (SA5028-0), the range can be extended beyond 1000 mg/kg FAME contamination. Operation, similarly to FIJI JF, is quick and simple and...

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