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Catalog excerpts
![SG382 2 GHz RF Signal Generator - 1](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/7218/sg382-2-ghz-rf-signal-generator-457731_1m.jpg)
RF Signal Generators SG380 Series — DC to 2 GHz, 4 GHz and 6 GHz analog signal generators SG380 Series RF Signal Generators · DC to 2 GHz, 4 GHz or 6 GHz · 1 µHz resolution · AM, FM, ΦM, PM and sweeps · OCXO timebase (std.) · −116 dBc/Hz SSB phase noise (20 kHz offset, f = 1 GHz) · Rubidium timebase (opt.) · Square wave clock outputs (opt.) · Analog I/Q inputs (opt.) · Ethernet, GPIB, and RS-232 · SG382 ... $3,900 (U.S. list) · SG384 ... $4,600 (U.S. list) · SG386 ... $5,900 (U.S. list) Introducing the new SG380 Series RF Signal Generators — finally, high performance, affordable RF sources. The SG380 Series RF Signal Generators use a unique, innovative architecture (Rational Approximation Frequency Synthesis) to deliver ultra-high frequency resolution (1 µHz), excellent phase noise, and versatile modulation capabilities (AM, FM, ΦM, pulse modulation and sweeps) at a fraction of the cost of competing designs. The standard models produce sine waves from DC to 2.025 GHz (SG382), 4.05 GHz (SG384) and 6.075 GHz (SG386). There is an optional frequency doubler (Opt. 02) that extends the frequency range of the SG384 and SG386 to 8.10 GHz. Low-jitter differential clock outputs (Opt. 01) are available, and an external I/Q modulation input (Opt. 03) is also offered. For demanding applications, the SG380 Series can be ordered with a rubidium timebase (Opt. 04). On the Front Panel The SG380 Series Signal Generators have two front-panel outputs with overlapping frequency ranges. A BNC provides outputs from DC to 62.5 MHz with adjustable offsets and amplitudes from 1 mV to 1 Vrms into a 50 Ω load. An N-type output supplies frequencies from 950 kHz to the upper frequency limit of each model, with power from +16.5 dBm to –110 dBm (1 Vrms to 0.707 µVrms) into a 50 Ω load. Stanford Research Systems
Open the catalog to page 1![SG382 2 GHz RF Signal Generator - 2](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/7218/sg382-2-ghz-rf-signal-generator-457731_2m.jpg)
SG380 Series RF Signal Generators SG380 Series Phase Noise vs. Offset Frequency Unlike traditional analog signal generators, the SG380 Series can sweep continuously from DC to 62.5 MHz. And for frequencies above 62.5 MHz, each sweep range covers more than an octave. Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) The SG380 Signal Generators offer a wide variety of modulation capabilities. Modes include amplitude modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM), phase modulation (ΦM), and pulse modulation. There is an internal modulation source as well as an external modulation input. The internal modulation source produces...
Open the catalog to page 2![SG382 2 GHz RF Signal Generator - 3](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/7218/sg382-2-ghz-rf-signal-generator-457731_3m.jpg)
SG380 Series RF Signal Generators generator in addition to a signal generator. Transition times are typically 35 ps, and both the offset and amplitude of the clock outputs can be adjusted for compliance with PECL, ECL, RSECL, LVDS, CML, and NIM levels. I/Q Inputs Optional I/Q inputs (Opt. 03) allow I & Q baseband signals to modulate carriers from 400 MHz to the upper frequency limit of your instrument. This option also allows the I/Q modulator to be driven by an internal noise generator with adjustable bandwidth. Rear-panel outputs allow the noise source to be viewed or used for other...
Open the catalog to page 3![SG382 2 GHz RF Signal Generator - 4](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/7218/sg382-2-ghz-rf-signal-generator-457731_4m.jpg)
SG380 Series RF Signal Generators Polar Plot of 1.000001 GHz Referenced to 1 GHz with 100 % AM at 5 kHz The polar plot shows the trajectory of a signal in the I/Q plane. An unmodulated carrier at the analyzer’s reference frequency (1 GHz in this case) appears as a single dot in the I/Q plane. When the carrier frequency is offset, the single dot moves in a circle about the center of the I/Q plane. The pattern shown occurs when the carrier amplitude is modulated with 100 % depth at a rate of five times the carrier offset frequency (creating five lobes). The symmetry of the lobes indicates...
Open the catalog to page 4![SG382 2 GHz RF Signal Generator - 5](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/7218/sg382-2-ghz-rf-signal-generator-457731_5m.jpg)
SG380 Series Specifications Frequency Setting Frequency ranges SG382 SG384 SG386 Frequency resolution Switching speed Frequency error Frequency stability DC to 62.5 MHz (BNC output, all models) 950 kHz to 2.025 GHz (N-type output) 950 kHz to 4.05 GHz (N-type output) 4.05 GHz to 8.1 GHz (w/ Opt. 02) 950 kHz to 6.075 GHz (N-type output) 6.075 GHz to 8.1 GHz (w/ Opt. 02) 1 µHz at any frequency <8 ms (to within 1 ppm) <(10–18 + timebase error) × fC 1 × 10–11 (1 s Allan variance) 20 kHz offset 1 MHz offset Residual FM (typ.) Residual AM (typ.) * Spurs, phase noise and residual FM scale by 6...
Open the catalog to page 5![SG382 2 GHz RF Signal Generator - 6](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/7218/sg382-2-ghz-rf-signal-generator-457731_6m.jpg)
Ext. FM carrier offset <1:1,000 of deviation Modulation bandwidth 500 kHz (fC ≤ 62.5 MHz (SG382 & SG384)) (fC ≤ 93.75 MHz (SG386)) 100 kHz (fC > 62.5 MHz (SG382 & SG384)) (fC > 93.75 MHz (SG386)) Modulation Waveform Output Output impedance 50 Ω (for reverse termination) User load Unterminated 50 Ω coax AM, FM, ΦM ±1 V for ± full deviation Pulse/Blank “Low” = 0 V, “High” = 3.3 VDC External Modulation Input Modes Unmodulated level AM, FM, ΦM Modulation bandwidth Modulation distortion Input impedance Input offset Pulse/Blank threshold Frequency Sweeps (Phase Continuous) AM, FM, ΦM, Pulse,...
Open the catalog to page 6![SG382 2 GHz RF Signal Generator - 7](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/7218/sg382-2-ghz-rf-signal-generator-457731_7m.jpg)
On/Off ratio BNC output Type-N output Pulse feed-through Turn on/off delay RF rise/fall time Modulation source 70 dB 57 dB (fC ≤ 1 GHz) 40 dB (1 GHz ≤ fC < 4 GHz) 35 dB (fC ≥ 4 GHz) 10 % of carrier for 20 ns at turn on (typ.) 60 ns 20 ns Internal or external pulse External I/Q Modulation (Opt. 03) Carrier frequency range 400 MHz to 2.025 GHz (SG382) 400 MHz to 4.05 GHz (SG384) 400 MHz to 6.075 GHz (SG386) Modulated output Front-panel N-type only I/Q inputs 50 Ω, ±0.5 V I or Q input offset <500 µV I/Q full scale (I2 + Q2)1/2 = 0.5 V Carrier suppression >40 dBc (>35 dBc above 4 GHz)...
Open the catalog to page 7All Stanford Research Systems catalogs and technical brochures
1 Pages
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4 Pages
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4 Pages
3 Pages
5 Pages
2 Pages
SR865 DSP Lock-In Amplifier
5 Pages
SIM984 — Isolation amplifier
1 Pages
4 Pages
SR280Mainframe and Display
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2 Pages
SIM914350 MHz Preamplifier
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SIM964Analog Limiter
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SIM970Quad Digital Voltmeter
2 Pages
SIM983Scaling Amplifier
1 Pages
SIM965Analog Filter
2 Pages
SIM921AC Resistance Bridge
3 Pages
SR250Gated Integrator
3 Pages
SR240A350 MHz Preamplifier
1 Pages
SR540 Optical Chopper
1 Pages
SR640 Programmable Filters
3 Pages
Rubidium Frequency Standard
4 Pages
LCR Meters
3 Pages
Synthesized Clock Generator
5 Pages
UGAUniversal Gas Analyzer
3 Pages
RGAResidual Gas Analyzers
5 Pages
SR850DSP Lock-In Amplifier
4 Pages
FS710Distribution Amplifier
1 Pages
SR10/11/12Audio Switchers
2 Pages
SR1Audio Analyzer
6 Pages
6 GHz Vector Signal Generator
10 Pages
SR255Fast Sampler
3 Pages
SR245 Computer Interface
2 Pages
SR200 Gate Scanner
1 Pages
SR552 BJT Input Preamplifier
1 Pages
SR550 FET Input Preamplifier
1 Pages
SR445A 350 MHz Preamplifier
1 Pages
SR630 Thermocouple Reader
3 Pages
CT100 SRS Instrument Cart
1 Pages
SR510/530 Lock-In Amplifiers
4 Pages
IGC100 Ion Gauge Controller
4 Pages
NL100 Nitrogen Laser
2 Pages
SIM980 Summing Amplifier
1 Pages
SR235 Analog Processor
1 Pages
Laser Diode Controller
4 Pages
DS335 Function Generator
2 Pages
Audio Switchers
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
Partial Pressure Monitor
2 Pages
Analog PID Controller
2 Pages
Optical Chopper
2 Pages
Programmable Filters
3 Pages
Distribution Amplifier
1 Pages
Audio Analyzer
6 Pages
Residual Gas Analyzers
5 Pages
Photon Counters
6 Pages
Waveform Generator
2 Pages
Lock in Amplifiers
3 Pages
DSP Lock-in Amplifier
3 Pages