16 Channel Thermocouple Monitor
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16 Channel Thermocouple Monitor - 1

Temperature Monitor עȒ 200 C to +1700 аC. For remotemonitoring applications, the SR630 can time-stamp and storeup to 2000 readings in non-volatile memory for later analysis.Temperature readings from the SR630 can be viewed on thefront panel or queried via the instrument's standard RS-232 or GPIB interfaces. In addition, the standard Centronics printer port provides convenient hardcopy output in either tabular or strip chart format. The SR630 is a 16-channel thermocouple monitor designed toread, scan, print and log temperatures or voltages. You can use any one of seven standard thermocouple types to read temperatures from Voltage Monitor Vinput offset drift. Each channel can be set independentlyto monitor either temperature or voltage, giving the SR630 even more flexibility in your application. Four rear-panel outputs are also available to provide a voltage proportional to the temperature of the first four input channels. Thevoltage outputs can be used to drive recorders or to controlexternal instrumentation. The SR630 can also be configured as a 16-channel DCvoltmeter with full-scale ranges from 30 mVto 100 V(1 mV resolution). As a voltmeter, the unit has 0.05 % accuracy and 1 > (U.S. list)

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16 Channel Thermocouple Monitor - 2

Inputs Each channel can be programmed individually with an upperand lower temperature limit. An audio alarm and a relayclosure indicate when any channel exceeds its presettemperature or voltage limits. The front-panel LED display will indicate which channel has exceeded its limit. time-stamp, and record data on up to 16 channels at intervals from 10 to 9999 seconds. Data is either sentimmediately to the printer or stored in the internal 2,000 point buffer for output at a later time (via GPIB or RS-232). Sixteen screw-terminal inputs are mounted on a rear-panelisothermal block for cold...

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16 Channel Thermocouple Monitor - 3

Thermocouple General Channels16Thermocouple typesB, E, J, K, R, S, T Display unitsC, аF and K Display resolution0.1 C Temperature displaysActual, Nominal, or Offset Accuracy0.5 аC for J, K, E and T1.0 C for R, S and B Errors are for the SR630 only. Standard errors for thermocouple wire are 2 to 5 times the error due to the SR630. Inputs Analog outputsFour analog voltage outputs proportional to temperature of channels 1, 2, 3 and 4Relay outputSwitching 10 A Store and recallNine locations for instrument set-up InterfacesRS-232, GPIB and Centronics ports (standard). All instrument functions...

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16 Channel Thermocouple Monitor - 4

It has been known for a long time (Seebeck, 1822) that avoltage exists across the junction of dissimilar metals. Figure 1 shows a thermocouple junction formed by joining two metallic alloys, Aand B. The voltage across the thermocouple junction depends on the type of metals used and the temperature of the junction. The mechanism responsible forthis voltage is quite complicated; however, there are certainphenomenological results which make the effect useful for measuring temperature. B − C junctions. There are two approaches to solve thisproblem: use a reference junction at a known...

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16 Channel Thermocouple Monitor - 5

Compensation Without Reference Junctions negative lead is always red, while the rest of the world usesred to designate the positive lead. Often, the standard thermocouple types are referred to by their trade names. For example, K-type is sometimes called Chromel-Alumel, which is the trade name of the Ni-Cr and Ni-Al wire alloys.It is important for a good thermocouple to have a large, stableSeebeck coefficient, wide temperature range, corrosion resistance, etc. Generally, each wire of the thermocouple is analloy. Variations in the alloy composition and the condition of the junction between...

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