

Catalog excerpts

Micro&nano_motion&measuring_system - 1

Nano metrology Your navigator in nano motion & metrology Nano positioning OME technology Co. Ltd (C) 2020~2021 | ISO 9001 certified|Made in Taiwa

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Micro&nano_motion&measuring_system - 2

The professional team from various fields in Taiwan provides the best solution for your requirements. he micro-nano system department is established for pro iding more cu ng-edge technology ser ices for customers. e pro ide both solu�ons of nano-scale posiposi �oning and measuring system including piezo mo�on stage, actuator, atomic force microscope and customized solu�ons. e also dedicate to de eloping many innoinno a� e designs for the products and ha e related patents. ur posi�oning and meamea suring technologies can be applied in many fields such as nanometrology, high-precision...

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Micro&nano_motion&measuring_system - 4

U ltr a- h ig h P r ecision M ulti- ax is S tag e S ample M anipulation S ystem O ptical S ystem and P r ecise P ositioning N ano M ater ial Resear ch Reag ent T esting 、Bioch ip and M ed icine D ev elopment ell anip lation and Arti cial F er tilization A sph er ical L ens P r ecision g r ind ing and M anuf actur ing M icr o- electr omech anical S ystem and L aser M ach ining Applications of Nano Positioning & metrology N ano P ositioning / Compensating M anuf actur ing E quipment W af er and Cir cuit

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P iez o S ta g e H ig h P r ecision P ositioning , h ig h L oad ing Capacity, and Compact S ize S uitable f or optical applications, semicond uctor , M E M s, biotech nolog y, and pr ecision mach ining .

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Model Selection L PST - Piezo positioning stage Form - L 1 - Linear stage L 8 - Vertical stage Feedback - L 0 - Open loop L E - Closed-loop *1. Vertical stage only *2. Inductive sensor only *3. Optical sensor only Material L A - Anodized aluminum L S - Stainless steel Travel range L 10 - 10 mm (*1) L 20 - 20 mm (*2) L 28 - 28 mm L 36 - 36 mm L 44 _ 44 mm Resolution L 0 - Open loop L 1 - 1 nm (*3) L 3 - 100 nm (*3) L 5 - 37 nm (*2) By years of development, the piezoelectric positioning system has been successfully introduced to many laboratories and research centers in Taiwan, Korea, Japan,...

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High posi�oning precision, compact structure, reliable stability and no backlash of the piezo posi�oner is compa�ble for the applica�ons in the fields of nano technology, semiconductor equipment, ultra-precision manufacturing, op�cal systems, op�cal communica�on industries,

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Optical sensor series Linear stage Model number

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■ Piezo drive ■ 37 nm resolution ■ Up to 4 kg loading for linear type; 150 g for vertical type ■ Travel range: 20 to 44 mm for linear type; 10 mm for vertical type ■ Models: PST1E520A-544A and PST8E510A ■ Compitable controller: PCTiE5(i-3) The inductive standard series stages with closed-loop function offer 150 nm and 300 nm for step capability and repeatability, respectively. The performance data is verified by the triple beam interferometer (SP 2000 TR, SIOS Mefitechnik GmbH) for providing the best quality of the measuring result.

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PCTlE5(l-3) ■ Piezo controller for inductive sensor series ■ Compact size ■ Expandable (controller stackable) ■ Selective control interface quantity (1-3) ■ Customized design ■ Model type: PCTiE5i/PCTiE52/ PCT1E53

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■ Piezo drive ■ 1 nm/ 100 nm resolution ■ Up to 4 kg loading for linear type; 150 g for vertical type ■ Travel range: 28 to 44 mm for linear type; 10 mm for vertical type ■ Models: PST1E128A-144A and PST8E110A (High-precision) PST1E328A~344A, and PST8E310A (Standard) ■ Compitable controller: PCT1E1U-3) and PCT1E3(1-3) High-precision series Standard series The optical high-precision (standard) series stages with closed-loop function offer 15 (150) nm and 50 (300) nm for step capability and repeatability, respectively. The performance data is verified by the triple beam interferometer (SP...

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■ Piezo controller for optical sensor series ■ Compact size ■ Expandable (controller stackable) ■ Selective control interface quantity (1-3) ■ Selective control interface (USB/SMA) ■ Customized design ■ Model type: PCTiEn/PCTiEi2/ PCT1E13 PCTiE3i,PCTiE32, PCT1E33 of the piezo controller for optical sensor based stage

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Atomic Force Microscope o pact si e Affordable price est sol tion and Innovative design nda ation nano-ed cation and reserc es e introd ce o t e rabi-A e best b dget A

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MEMS Film thickness Material The same image resolution with half price & 1/5 system size Nano Standard sample field

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Micro&nano_motion&measuring_system - 22

Crabi-AFM-E-01/A-01 Compact size ◆ Reliable quality ◆ Affordable price ◆ Best solution ◆ Innovative design ◆ The CrabiAFM system is the most affordable atomic force microscope for nano-education, fundamental research, and related skill training. The patented innovative core technology provides reliable image results with compact system size. The CrabiAFM must be the best solution for your requirements.

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Resolved reference image Scanning parameters Scan range: 12 by 12 micron Scan speed: 1 Hz Probe frequency: -300 kHz Sample: Standard sample from NT-MDT - TGQ1 Sample specification Grating description Structure - Si wafer Pattern types 3-Dimensional array of small rectangles Rectangles side size: 1,5±0,35 pm Effective area central square 3x3 mm Image Analysis A free SPM (Scanning probe microscopy) image analyzer is recommended here: Gwyddion It is a modular program for SPM data visualization and analysis. Primarily it is intended for the analysis of height fields obtained by scanning probe...

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Nano motion and metrology navigator Contact O ME te c h no l o g y Co . L td W e bs ite : w w w .o me -nano .c o m T EL : + 8 8 6-2-26716600# 1731( 1730) E-mail : nano @ s taf .c o m.tw N o . 46, L ane 168 , S ans h u R d ., S anxia Dis t., N e w T aip e i City 237, T aiw an

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  1. Ball Screw-DM

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