

Catalog excerpts

12 PBO/PBOM - 1

POMPA PER VUOTO LUBRIFICATA A PALETTE OIL-LUBRICATED ROTARY VANE VACUUM PUMP Accessori : Filtro aria, valvola zavorra gas, vacuometro, Fluido sintetico atossico BGS TORR F32® Tensioni speciali : 12 Vcc / 24 Vcc / UL-CSA Gruppo pompante in ghisa accoppiato direttamente al motore elettrico. Separatore aria/olio in alluminio per I'eliminazione di nebbie d'olio in mandata, valvola di ritegno in aspirazione, raffreddamento ad aria. Prima carica olio inclusa. Cast iron compressor pump coupled directly to the electric motor. Aluminium oil/air separator eliminates oil mist discharge, suction check valve, air cooling. First oil filling included. Accessories : Air filter, gas ballast valve, vacuum gauge, BGS TORR F32® non-toxic synthetic fluid Special voltages: 12 Vcc / 24 Vcc / UL-CSA Potenza motore Puissance moteur Motor power Potencia motor Numero di giri Revolutions number . 1 min." Numero de revolutions Velocidad de giro Pressione finale (ass.) Ultimate pressure (abs.) Presion final (abs.) Vide final (abs.) * = tolleranza / tollerance / tolerance / tolerancia ±10% BGS GENERAL srl Via Zibido, 3 - 20080 Zibido San Giacomo (MI) - Italy +39 02.90005069 r.a. - bigiesse@bigiesse.it - www.bigiesse.it

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12 PBO/PBOM - 2

POMPA PER VUOTO LUBRIFICATA A PALETTE OIL-LUBRICATED ROTARY VANE VACUUM PUMP DIMENSIONI / DIMENSIONS = Le quote A e H possono subire variazioni / The dimensions A and H as well as the current drawn can differ - Salvo modifiche tecniche / We reserve the right to alter technical information PRESTAZIONI / PERFORMANCE CURVE Curve riferite alia pressione di aspirazione e temp. 20°C (tolleranza ±10%). / Curves refers to inlet pression and 20°C temp. (tollerance ±10%). BGS GENERAL srl Via Zibido, 3 - 20080 Zibido San Giacomo (MI) +39 02.90005069 r.a. - bigiesse@bigiesse.it - www.bigiesse.it

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All Srl catalogs and technical brochures

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