

Catalog excerpts


BLUETABLET SRBT Concentrate of micro-organisms for biological parts-washer FT-BlueTablet SRBT-v1.2(SRI0-EN) TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 1. USE  Tabs are composed of a selection of micro-organisms that are specifically suitable for the bioremediation of grease and oil: BLUEREMEDIS TAB  Tabs are used with BlueLiquid SRBL in biological degreasing fountains.  Improves the effectiveness of BlueLiquid.  Extends the lifetime of the cleaning solution in the biological fountain.  Reduces sludge from degreasing by biodegradation.  Neutralises odours.  Non-irritant for skin and eyes. 2. BIO REMEDIS TAB PROCESS The micro-organisms are present in their natural state in all environments and they have natural capacities to degrade organic or non-organic composites for their nutritional requirements and growth. The BLUEREMEDIS TAB process optimises this natural biodegradation, associating the micro-organism tabs with BlueLiquid in a biological fountain Oxygen Hydrocarbon Continuous regeneration of the degreasing solution Reduction in costs relating to the disposal of liquid waste 3. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE When installing your degreasing fountain, put a BlueTablet SRBT tab into the fountain's reservoir to start the BLUEREMEDIS TAB BlueLiquid) Add a tab every 4 to 6 weeks, depending on condition of use of your fountain. SRI France | 4 rue Chardon | 69310 Pierre Bénite | France | | Tel: +33 (0) 800 97 08 97 Code NAF: 2059Z | VAT N

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BLUETABLET SRBT Concentrate of micro-organisms for biological parts-washer FT-BlueTablet SRBT-v1.2(SRI0-EN) TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 5. PROPERTIES The BLUETABLET SRBT are a selection of microorganisms not belonging to the list of biological pathogens in Groups 2, 3 and 4, set by the French decree of 18 July 1994 and amended by decree of 17 April 1997 and June 30, 1998 (Arthrobacter globiformis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis ...) and whose synergy and metabolism allow the "degradation" of the majority of hydrocarbons.. FOR PROFESSIONAL USE  BlueRemedis Tab  No labelling Colour...

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