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Lightweight Pressure Vessels Type LT Lightweight pressure vessels For general purpose applications The range of ASME portable stainless steel pressure vessels is designed to meet any general purpose applications of fluid handling in the chemical, life science, pharmaceutical, electronic, dairy, food and beverage industries. The vessels fluid capacities range from 3.8L to 37.8L. Larger sizes can be available on request. All models can also be fitted with air agitators, gauges, fittings, dip tube and special size tubes. Different surface finish can also be provided for each model. Technical data - Standard Pressure Reservoirs Type Capacity (Litres) Overall height without regulator (mm) Max. working pressure (psi/bar) * Available in stainless steel 304 and 316 with small or large pressure closure. Subject to change without notice. For more information, please contact us at

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All SR-TEK catalogs and technical brochures

  1. LT series

    1 Pages

  2. CT series

    1 Pages

  3. ST series

    1 Pages

  4. 900ML-S

    1 Pages

  5. SR-TEK

    1 Pages