Catalog excerpts

TRUE GERMAN QUALITY DATA SHEETPartial discharge tester PD 4020L PD 4020L I EN I 08.2022 Subject to change and error. Description The PD 4020L partial discharge tester helps to test insulation materials and insulation systems for their insulation strength. Whether testing individual insulating materials, such as plastics or paints, or components from the drive train, such as stators or connectors, whether in the laboratory or in Automatic evaluation • Limit value partial discharge • PDIV inception voltage • PDEV extinction voltage HIGHTECH + SERVICE + DEVELOPMENT Eugen-Bolz-StraBe 8 I 74523 Schwabisch Hall I Germany I Tel. +49 791 20 212 0 I info@spselectronic.com I www.spselectronic.com
Open the catalog to page 1All SPS electronic GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
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