Catalog excerpts

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CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS TH AN K YO U F O R YO U R I N TER E ST I N OU R S PR AY P RO D U C T S WE’RE LOOKING FORWARD TO HELPING YOU OPTIMIZE YOUR OPERATIONS INVOLVING SPRAY TECHNOLOGY. HERE ARE JUST A FEW WAYS WE CAN ASSIST: • You’ll find the most extensive line of high-quality hydraulic spray products available in this catalog. However, if you don’t find exactly what you need, be sure to contact us. Our flexible manufacturing capabilities enable us to make products in additional sizes and materials quickly and efficiently. Special designs are also possible. Just tell us what you need. •...
Open the catalog to page 2
CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS H OW TO O R D E R A N D C U STO M E R S E RV I C E Spray System Optimization Selection Guidelines How to Order and Customer Service Technical Reference Full Cone Nozzles Flat Spray Nozzles Hollow Cone Nozzles Fine Spray Nozzles
Open the catalog to page 3
CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS W H AT YO U C A N E X P E C T – R E L I A B L E Q U A L I T Y THE PRODUCTS YOU NEED AND PERFORMANCE YOU CAN COUNT ON You’ll find tens of thousands of hydraulic spray nozzles in this catalog but you can also visit to see tens of thousands more. Featured products include air atomizing nozzles, automatic hydraulic and pneumatic nozzles, handheld spray guns, tank cleaning equipment, air nozzles and nozzles for specialized operations like descaling, trim squirt, spray drying, fire protection and more. We offer nozzles in more sizes and materials than any other...
Open the catalog to page 4
CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS W H AT YO U C A N E X P E C T – G L O B A L S U P P O R T THE SERVICES YOU NEED, WHEN AND WHERE YOU NEED THEM OUR SOLE FOCUS ON SPRAY TECHNOLOGY ENSURES RESULTS IN YOUR OPERATIONS Since spray technology is all we do, we have a level of expertise that can’t be matched. Our sales engineers are factory-trained and only sell our spray products. Need to increase throughput in a coating operation? Eliminate waste or lower scrap? Cool products more quickly? Suppress dust? Minimize water and chemical use in cleaning operations? Just give us a call. With sales offices on...
Open the catalog to page 5
CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS W H AT YO U C A N E X P E C T – P R E C I S I O N A DD I TI O N AL E QUIP M EN T TO O P T I MI Z E SPRAY N O ZZLE P E R F O R MA N C E SPRAY CONTROL Spray nozzles can only perform properly if the entire spray system is operating efficiently. That’s why we offer a wide range of AutoJet® spray controllers. Choose from basic automatic control, monitoring of spray variables or automatic adjustments of spray variables based on what is happening in your process. Adding a spray controller can help: • ncrease production through automation and enable I operation at variable...
Open the catalog to page 6
CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS W H AT YO U C A N E X P E C T – C U S T O M I Z AT I O N HEADERS AND INJECTORS The equipment that supplies fluid to spray nozzles can have a big impact on performance. If the fluid flow isn’t adequate or the fluid delivery devices aren’t suitable for the operating environment, the entire process is in jeopardy. Unlike feed devices built by fabricators or in-house staff, our spray headers, manifolds, showers, injectors, lances and quills are designed to optimize the performance of our spray nozzles and streamline your operations. You can specify the length, number...
Open the catalog to page 7
CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS W H AT YO U C A N E X P E C T – A DVA N C E D T E C H N I C A L S U P P O R T P E RFO R M AN C E VA L I DAT I O N BEF O R E YO U BU Y TESTING SERVICES HELP ENSURE PRECISION SPRAY PERFORMANCE In new spray applications or applications where spray performance is critical, it is important to understand how factors like these affect performance: • perating conditions such as pressure, temperature O and variable line speeds • The liquid being sprayed • he placement and position of nozzles in relation to T the target In many cases, experience and theoretical calculations...
Open the catalog to page 8
CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS W H AT YO U C A N E X P E C T – R E S E A R C H A N D VA L I D AT I O N ADVANCED MODELING SERVICES AND MANUFACTURING CAPABILITIES FOR COMPLEX AND DEMANDING APPLICATIONS It is not feasible to replicate operating conditions for every application. Gas cooling, chemical injection, spray drying and tablet coating are just a few applications where we cannot spray the liquids used for safety reasons or procure comparable process equipment. Yet, in these applications, understanding spray performance is often critical to process efficiency, product quality, equipment...
Open the catalog to page 9
CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS S P R AY SYS T E M O P T I M I Z AT I O N HOW YOU CAN BENEFIT FROM SPRAY SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION WAYS TO LEARN MORE EXPERT ADVICE AT YOUR PLANT Sustainability Assessments – Invite our team of experts to evaluate your cooling, coating, cleaning, drying, mixing or other operations. We will identify ways to: • Reduce water, chemical and energy use • Reduce scrap and waste • Reduce risk and improve safety Complimentary Lunch and Learn workshops – Select a topic, choose a date and invite your colleagues. We’ll provide lunch and an informative 60-minute session. Popular...
Open the catalog to page 10
CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS S P R AY S YS T E M O P T I M I Z AT I O N EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Video demonstrations and tutorials on and Explore our video library and learn about new spray products and techniques; best practices in maintenance procedures; what to look for in a spray pattern and more. Case studies on More than 200 case studies demonstrate how processors have improved operating sustainability, increased production and lowered costs by optimizing cooling, coating, cleaning, lubricating, drying and other applications using our spray...
Open the catalog to page 11
CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS SELECTION GUIDELINES Use this general guide as a starting point if you're not sure which type of nozzle to use in your spray operation. However, keep in mind that performance varies based on operating conditions, so be sure to contact your local representative for assistance. ABSORBER TOWERS FullJet®, SpiralJet® and DistriboJet® full cone nozzles WhirlJet® hollow cone nozzles See for information on WindJet® compressed air and blower-powered air knife packages. AIRLESS SPRAYING FullJet and SpiralJet full cone nozzles WhirlJet hollow cone nozzles See...
Open the catalog to page 12All Spraying Systems Co. catalogs and technical brochures
64 Pages
WindJet Air Products
28 Pages
Air Atomizing Nozzles
62 Pages
Fine Spray Nozzles
16 Pages
Hollow Cone Nozzles
42 Pages
Flat Spray Nozzles
56 Pages
Full Cone Nozzles
52 Pages
PWM Spray Control Panel
2 Pages
Optimizing Your Spray System
47 Pages
AutoJet Gas Cooling System
4 Pages
PWM Flow Control
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
CU150A GunJet Spray Gun
2 Pages