Catalog excerpts

The SOMAS full bore valve is a 3-piece valve. The valve has two end caps and a valve body with an ISO standard actuator mounting flange. Body and end caps are held together with bolts.The valve is suitable for most liquids and gases within process industries.End caps are available with threaded ends S36 FBG, with short weld ends S36 FBS or S36 FBS-L long weld ends and with flanges S36 FBF.The valve design is maintenance free. To disassemble only one screw need to be removed (DN8-50) before the body can be tilted out. Inspection and/or replace- ment of wearing parts can easily take place without costly dismantling. Two bolts have to be removed for valve sizes DN65-100.Two types of seat material are available: PTFE as standard and PTFE-25 (carbon filled) for steam applications.The valves can also be delivered with a DIN 50049/3.1.B EN 10204-3.1.B certificate.The valves comply with PED and are marked CE 0035. >
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SOMAS 3-piece full bore ball valves are designed for use as hand operated or actuated on/off valves. The ball valve is as standard equipped with a handle for manual operation.The valve have an ISO standard actuator mounting flange and can be supplied with actuators for remonte control. The valves are delivered as tested units ready for installation. See sections 4 and 5 of the SOMAS cata- logue where actuators, limit switches and accessories are described.We can also fit other types of actuators and accessories in accordance with your specification.For control applications, Somas ball...
Open the catalog to page 4All SOMAS catalogs and technical brochures
Si-208 EN
12 Pages
Ball segment valve
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Actuators Type A
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Check valves: BCV/BCVA
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Ball valves: SKV
12 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
Hand lever - Gear unit
4 Pages
3-piece full bore ball valve
4 Pages
Butterfly valves: VSS
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
Si-111 EN
4 Pages
Si-110 EN
8 Pages
Si-109 EN
8 Pages
Si-108 EN
4 Pages
Si-105 EN
4 Pages
Si-103 EN
4 Pages
Valve Positioner
13 Pages
Manual actuators
2 Pages
Pneumatic actuator
8 Pages
4 Pages
Butterfl y valve
8 Pages
Ball segment valve
8 Pages