Catalog excerpts

Datasheet Ball segment valve Si-111 EN Edition: 2012-07 Type KVTF/KVXF Flanged design Nominal pressure PN 40 / PN 50 Nominal size DN 80 - 250 Material Stainless steel and • Control-valve shut-off • High capacity • One-piece shaft gives a torque transmission free of backlash • Excellent tightness irrespective of differential pressure • Easy maintenance The SOMAS ball segment valve type KVTF is a flanged version with centrically mounted shaft while KVXF is a flanged and eccentric design. The valve body is in one piece. Shaft device in one piece for torque transmission free of backlash. The spring-loaded seat is available in three alternative materials (PTFE, PTFE 53 and HiCo). The valves can be used for control, as well as for shut-off applications on practically every type of media within a wide temperature range. Choose KVTF for liquids, media containing impurities etc. For hot, dry and clean media choose KVXF. In the KVX-valve the ball segment is eccentrically mounted and rotates out from the seat when the valve is opened. This reduces the wear on seat and segment. Low noise trim is available as an option. The designation “LN” indicates that the ball segment is equipped with a network of bars that are used to split up the pressure drop across the valve. This results in less pressure recovery, thereby reducing the noise and potential damage due to cavitation. Note! Capacity factors will be reduced for valves with LN-trim Option • LN Noise) (Low Ball segment with low noise trim for high ∆P The SOMAS valves are delivered ready for installation and operation. The valve assemblies are delivered factory tested as complete units with actuators, positioners and accessories.
Open the catalog to page 1
Edition: 2012-07 Si-111 EN Tightness class Flow characteristics The tightness class is related to the chosen material in the seat ring. 100% Flow PTFE seat Code A PTFE 53 seat1 Code B HiCo seat Code T 1 EN 60534-4 VI (ANSI B16-104 Class VI) EN 60534-4 VI (ANSI B16-104 Class VI) EN 60534-4 IV alt. V (ANSI B16-104 Class IV alt. V) 50% PTFE + 50% 1.4435 (316L) powder (percentage by weight) Pressure and temperature rating According to the material in the seat. Seat Code A B T Max. working pressure1 (bar at° C) 150° 170° 200° 350° >350° Note 1 40 30 – – Note 1 40 32 15 – Note 1 40 32 25 15 10...
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Si-111 EN Edition: 2012-07 Valve sizing Further technical information Use SOMAS valve sizing program SOMSIZE to find the correct valve size. All sizing factors are included in the program. Technical data for the materials used in the SOMAS valves, flange standard, steam data, etc. can be found in section 6 of the SOMAS catalogue. Flanged design I øG h9 K L E T T C X Flanged type of valves according to EN 558, Series 15 SOMAS ball segment valves type KVTF/ KVXF in this data sheet are flanged and can be drilled according to EN and ASME. The nominal pressure for the valve body is PN 40 and...
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Edition: 2012-07 K H Ball segment valve type KVTF/KVXF with actuator type A-SC/SO W DN 80 100 150 200 250 P 130 SÄFFLE SWEDEN SWEDEN 30 SÄFFLE 140 87 55 Si-111 EN H K N O P R W 415 420 275 335 117 152 – 415 420 285 345 117 152 – 660 – 350 415 183 228 215 665 680 390 455 183 228 – 920 – 540 694 279 354 315 Weight 53 67 145 230 376 R TYPE Type A24-X A24-X A33-X A34-X A43-X AR T. NO . N O DATE Ordering Ball segment valve type KVTF/KVXF with actuator type A-DA DN 80 80 100 100 150 150 200 200 250 Type H 255 305 255 305 380 380 380 470 550 A22 A24 A22 A24 A31 A32 A32 A33 A41 K 260 310 260 310 –...
Open the catalog to page 4All SOMAS catalogs and technical brochures
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