

Catalog excerpts


SOKKIA GYRO^ Automated Gyro Stations minutes'il15" prcision to detenrinePIIB NOPfll Sokkiasmarket-proven pr鎩cision Gyro Station now incorportes auto-pointing capability and automates the observation of the pendulum gyro oscillation (procession) by newly equipped image sensor 11 automatically finds true north in 19 minutes and dtermines the azimuth with 15" pr⩩cision regardless of the work site environment Opration is speedy and easy even for unskilled operators to reduce stress and fatigue. ■Wien measuredat 351 latitude area. Measurement time differsby the latttude due to the nature of gyro motor.

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AUTOMATED GYRO STATIONS Acquiro truc north anytime and anywherc Spcifications GYRO X uses a suspended gyromotor tha oscill鯢tes arounrj the earth merldsan (true north) due to the ptlndple of procession caused by rotation of the earth. This pnnciple reaJIzes taster and more prcise measuromont than other solutions. Comparlson wtth Ottier Solutions Gyroscope Accurjvrv of ajtrr«jt鯯 detemi rtaion" l5"/5mopfV0074mi ( «andvd devtatton ) Rurring-upifrr* Appro- 60 second* HHf ptrtod (■( mlddte latitudes) ApOrox. 3 mmutM Opmdng tompmnjr* -20 to #50'C(-4tO+lWr> Ocmunom U>toHttude75* S*o WH5 * Die61...

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All SOKKIA catalogs and technical brochures

  1. GRX3

    4 Pages

  2. iM-50 Series

    2 Pages

  3. SCH 5000

    4 Pages

  4. GCX3

    4 Pages

  5. DT x40

    2 Pages

  6. GCX2

    4 Pages

  7. GSX2

    2 Pages

  8. SDL1X

    2 Pages

  9. DT series

    2 Pages

  10. S-10

    2 Pages

  11. B Series

    6 Pages

  12. Planix 10S

    2 Pages

  13. SHC236

    2 Pages

  14. SET60 Series

    1 Pages

  15. TSshield

    2 Pages

  16. GYRO X II

    2 Pages

  17. SHC250

    2 Pages

  18. GSR2700 IS

    2 Pages

  19. SHC2500

    4 Pages

  20. GSR2600

    2 Pages

  21. GSR1700 CSX

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. SDG1

    2 Pages

  2. NET05X

    2 Pages

  3. SETX

    8 Pages

  4. GIR1600

    4 Pages

  5. DT Series

    2 Pages

  6. 50X

    2 Pages

  7. 50RX

    4 Pages