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Measure and check the thickness of wire insulation samples Insulation Measurement Insulation Measurement Insulation Measurement The Insulation Module provides the ability for measurement with automatic strand count dete as the possibility to manually select the appropriate number of strands. The Insulation Module provides the ability for measurement with automatic strand count determination as well Thanks to the Smart_Wire_Measurement insulation tool it is possible to determine the number of strands in a as the possibility to manually select the appropriate number of strands. wire automatically, as well as manually select the appropriate figure. Wire Insulation Measurement Module The Wire Insulation Measurement function first seeks out the absolute minimum distance bet "blob" of the insulation profile, and the inner "blob" of the insulation profile. Once this minim determined the system then breaks the diameter of the insulation into (6) 60 degree segment minimum distance at 0 degrees. Then the minimum distance between the inner and outer “bl determined from within each of these 60 degree segments. This mechanism is utilized when t strand on the inside lobe(such as in a simple gasket), or if there are 6 or more lobes or wire str User’s Guide Appendix If there distance between the blob, then the system The Wire Insulation Measurement function calculates the absolute minimumare 2, 3, 4, or 5 wire strands on the innerouter “blob” will return one minimu The Wire Insulation Measurement function first seeks out the absolute of these strand regions. each minimum distance between the outer of the insulation profile and the inner “blob” of the insulation profile. Once this minimum distance is determined, "blob" of the insulation profile,of thethe inner "blob" of the insulationThe results ofbased on the include D0, D1, Davg, and %C. D0 isthe min distance, D1 profile. Once this minimum distance is Insulation the system breaks the diameter and insulation into six 60 degrees segments, thethe averageFeatureresulting distances,distancepercent minimum and %C is the distance, the determined the system then breaks the diameter inner and outer “blobs” is 60is degreeofsegments, based on the concentricity, w of the insulation into (6)Davg 100*MaxDistance/MinDistance. from within each of at 0 degrees. The minimum distance between the determined minimum distance at 0 degrees. mechanism is used when there is a single strand distance returned is not the Maximum wallin a of the entire insulat and outer “blobs” is these 60 degrees segments. This Then the minimum distance between the inner on the inside lobe (like thickness Important: The Max rather the Maximum Distance of simple gasket), or within each of these 60 degree segments. determined from there are 6 or more lobes or wire strands. This mechanism is utilized the Minimum Distancesis a single when there returned. January, strand on the inside lobe(such as in a 1 2017 PN# 15010-00 Revision simple gasket), or if there are 6 or more lobes or wire strands. ● “đ0” represents the minimum distance If thererepresents4, ormaximum distance the inner blob, then the system will return one minimum distance for ● “đ1” are 2, 3, the 5 wire strands on each of these strand regions. ● the character “đ” in the detail information screen represents the average distance The results of the Insulation Feature include D0, D1, Davg, and %C. D0 is the min distance, D1 is the Max distance, Davg is the average of the resulting distances, and %C is the percent concentricity, which is d0 100*MaxDistance/MinDistance. d0 represents the minimum distance. It
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Automatic Strand Count Determination Automatic Strand Count Determination By selecting the “Auto Strand” recognition button and clicking on an edge of the insulation sample, Automatic Strand Count an edge of the insulation By selecting the “Auto Strand” recognition button and clicking on Determination sample, the System determines the number of strands automatically based on the data cloud of points the System determines number of automatically based on the Measure measurementthecompletedstrandspressing the Donebutton. data cloud ofsamplesthe insulation sample, insulation points collected....
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