P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction


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P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction - 1


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P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction - 3

SITI S.p.A. La ringrazia per la fiducia accordata e Le ricorda che il Suo riduttore il risultato di un lavoro di miglioramento del prodotto che i nostri tecnici perseguono continuamente, gra- zie ad una ricerca costante nel settore.La rete di Assistenza a Sua disposizione peraiutarLa a risolvere dubbi che potessero sorge- re nella lettura di questa pubblicazione.E訒 vietata la riproduzione, la memorizzazione olalterazione, anche parziale, di questa pubbli- cazione, senza una autorizzazione scritta da parte della SITI S.p.A. We, at SITI S.p.A., would like to thank you for the confidence shown...

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P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction - 5

DESIGN FEATURES1 - TOOTHING PROFILESMating profiles of bronze wormwheel andworm screw are of type ZIӔ (profile with in- volute section).This gives rise to a gradual, constant andshockless matching in the rolling of mating profile throught all the possible running con- dition. Wormgearbox running is much more silent and free of vibrations. This type also relates to sizes I 90 and I 110.2 - ALUMINIUM PRESSURE DIE CASTEDHOUSUNGSThe use of pressure die casted aluminiumhousings of very modern design has been introduced(up to the size I 80 included). The excellent surface finishing makes paint-...

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P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction - 7

Among all these factors, the efficiency of thetoothing profiles proves to be the most mean- ingful one in affecting successfully the whole efficiency of the gearbox, and it is on a large extent tied to the helix angle of profiles. Large helix angles involve the highest de- grees of efficiency, thus irreversibility is lower, while smaller and smaller helix angles involve higher and higher efficiency, which a greater and greater degree of irreversibil- ity comes from. In oder to get the fittest solution ofr a cer- tain application, requesting more or less re- markable features of...

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P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction - 8

The opposite condition, i.e. the dynamic ir-reversibility takes place when RD > 0.5 Among the more effecting factors on the dy- namic efficiency there are to mention the same rotational speed (i.e., as higher the Speed, as higher dynamic efficiency too), and the more or less continuous load vibrations. The following scheme proposes an analysis of the different degrees of irreversibility as a function of the helix angle. Of course, these are only indicative data, since several other factors tied to the application come into play,providing to change the situation more orless...

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P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction - 9

TABELLA DATI TECNICINella tabella sono riportati i parametri caratteri-stici dei riduttori a vite senza fine. Vengono rappresentati in ordine: a)il numero di principi della vite ( TECHNICAL DATA TABLEThe table here below gives the typical pa-rameters of worm/wormwheel pairs. The following data are given one after the other:a)the number of starts of the worm ( TABELLE DER TECHNISCHEN DATENIn der Tabelle sind die Kenngren der Schnek-kengetriebe angegeben.Diese sind wie folgt unterteilt: > Z 1 ) dal qualesi desume il numero di denti della corona ( a )Windungen der Schnecke (z > 1 ), aus...

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P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction - 10

LUBRICATIONAll the wormgearboxes series I-MI up to sizeI 90 included are supplied already pre-lubri- cated by SITI, and are missing the oil plugs, since the lubricant used is lifetimeӔ, in other words it does not require any maintenance during the wormgearboxes life. Synthetic oil is used. SITI fills- in the wormgearboxes up to I 90 with the synthetic oil SHELL TIVELA SC 320. On the contrary, the larger wormgearboxes (I-MI 110/130/150/175) are supplied without lubricant and with plugs for loading, dis- charging and checking level of the oil. In these cases, filling-in the gearboxes is...

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P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction - 11

Riempimento riduttori I - MI 1 10 175 Filling wormgearboxs I - MI 1 10 175 Bef緼llen der Getriebe I - MI 1 10 175 Il riempimento dei riduttori affidato al cliente, che potr稠 utilizzare il lubrificante a base sinteti- ca.LUBRIFICANTI CONSIGLIATIOLI SINTETICILubrificazione a vita The client must fill the gearboxes with syn- thetic oil.RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTSSYNTHETIC OILLifetime lubrication Das Auffllen der Getriebe ist dem Kunden ber-lassen, der Schmier켶l auf Synthetikbasis ver-wenden kann.EMPFOHLENE SCHMIERMITTELSYNTETIK ֖LELebensdauerschmierung MARCA / MAKE / HERSTELLER TIPO DI OLIO / TYPE...

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P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction - 12

PESO DEI RIDUTTORI WORMGEARBOXES WEIGHT GEWICHT DER UNTERSETZUNGSGETRIEBE NOTECombined gearboxes weight is the sum of weights of the two units. NOTAIl peso dei riduttori combinati la somma dei pesi delle due unit. HINWEISDas Gewicht der kombinierten Getriebe ist dieSumme der Gewichte der beiden Einheiten. >

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P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction - 13

Tipo Grandezza alb. lento o cannotto (mm) Versione Pos. di mont. Altre indicaz. Type Size output or hollow shaft Version Mount. pos. Other indicat. Typ Gr踶sse > PAM abtriebwelle oder Bchse Ausf輼hrung Einbaulage Weitere Angaben > Grandezza Poli Forma costruttiva Protezione Classe di isolamento Altre indicaz. Size Tension / frequency Poles Type Protection Insulation class Other indicat. Grsse kWTensione / frequenza Spannung / frequenz Polzahlen Bauform Schutzart Isolation sklasse Weitere Angaben >

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P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction - 15

HOW TO READ THE PERFORMANCE TA-BLESThe tables of performance of singlewormgearboxes, have been windened, in order to make them suitable to an easy read- ing, even in case of special applications, or applications out of the standard.First of all, a differentiation has been cariedout between the performance of gearboxes without motor and gearboxes complete with motor.In case of gearboxes complete with motor, ithas been taken account of the possible PAM- arrangements of each gearbox size and each ratio, and the max. input power allowed at each input speed n IMPOSTAZIONE E LETTURA DELLE...

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P+MI Series - Wormgearboxes with primary reduction - 16

In fact, when input speed is as high as 2800RPM, a few potential problems, like the tem- perature achieved inside the gearbox, start of vibrations or noise, trend to grow.As a general rule, we recommend the use ofwormgearboxes at 2800 RPM input speeds (2 poles motors) only in applications having a relatively low service factor (1.25 max.)and a very low degree of intermittency.The use of n Quando la velocit di ingresso pari a 2800 giri/min, accennano a esaltarsi alcuni problemi, come la temperatura raggiunta all਒interno del riduttore in condizioni operative e la tendenza allinnesco di...

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