Catalog excerpts

F LANGED BAL L VALVES VFF2000, VF2000 from 2" to 4" l iquid fire gas 4 VALVOL E F LANGIAT E A SF ERA 05 F LANSCH-KUGE LHA¨ NE
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VFF2000, VF2000 from 2 " to 4 " VFF2000 from 21/2” to 4” Flanged brass bal l valves, wi th female threads, ful l f low, for water, steam, air, oi ls, non corrosive f luids in general . Technical speci f icat ions: · Nominal pressure: from PN 16 · Temperature l imi t : -20°C/+150°C · Threads according to standard ISO 7/1 VF2000 from 2” to 4” Flanged brass bal l valves, ful l f low, for water, steam, air, oi ls, non corrosive f luids in general . Technical speci f icat ions: · Nominal pressure: from PN 16 · Temperature l imi t : -20°C/+150°C · Flanges according to standard DIN 3202-F1, UNI...
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Body in cast brass CC753S Corpo in ottone CC753S Körpen aus Messing CC753S Fitting in cast brass CC753S threaded (VFF), flanged (VF) Raccordo in ottone CC753S filettato (VFF), flangiato (VF) Einschraubstück aus Messing CC753S mit Gewinde (VFF), mit Flansche (VF) Ball in cast chrome plated brass CC753S Sfera in ottone CC753S fusa cromata Kugel aus Messing CC753S verchromt Ball seat in PTFE Guarnizione sfera in PTFE Kugeldichtung aus PTFE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Seal seat in stainless steel 18/10 Porta guarnizione in acciaio inox 18/10 Dichtungsfassung aus Edelstahl 18/10 Seal in PTFE Guarnizione in...
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VFF2000, VF2000 from 2" to 4" VFF2000 da 21/2” a 4” Valvole a sfera f langiate f i let tate femmina in ot tone a passaggio totale per acqua, vapore, aria, olii, fluidi non corrosivi in genere Dat i tecnici : · Pressione nominale: PN16 · Limiti di temperatura: –20°C/+150°C · Fi let tature secondo norma ISO 7/1 VF2000 da 2” a 4” Valvole a sfera f langiate in ot tone a passaggio totale per acqua, vapore, aria, olii, fluidi non corrosivi in genere. Dat i tecnici : · Pressione nominale: da PN16 · Limiti di temperatura: –20°C/+150°C · Flange secondo norme DIN 3202-F1, UNI 2223, UNI 2220, BS10...
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Via F. Lana 21/29 - 25065 LUMEZZANE S.S. (Brescia) Tel. +39 030 8251211 - Fax: +39 030 8251247 - C.P. 125 info@siral.com - www.siral.com Siral S.p.A. reserves the right to modify design without prior notice. Siral S.p.A. si riserva la facoltà di variare modelli e ingombri senza preavviso. Siral S.p.A. behält sich das Recht vor, Modelle und Abmessungen ohne Vorankündigung abzuändern. DIAGRAMS VFF VF DROP CURVES CURVA DI PERDITA DRUCKVERLUST-DIAGRAM Kv=Durchflussmenge in m3/h bei Druckverlust von 1 bar. Cv=Durchflussmenge in US-Gallons pro Minute bei Druckverlust von 1 PSI. Kv=Portata in m3/h...
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