Catalog excerpts

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CST STUDIO SUITE The CST STUDIO SUITE graphical user interface, showing E-fields inside a mobile phone. Simulation allows a detailed analysis of the entire phone, including antenna performance, specific absorption rate (SAR), electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and signal integrity (SI).
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Why Simulate? Getting the design right first time is the ideal for product development. With virtual prototyping electromagnetic simulation can help you to cut down design iteration cycles. Simulation allows systems and components to be analyzed and optimized in their environment from the earliest stages of development. This can make the design process faster, reducing development costs and time-to-market. CST STUDIO SUITE® is a package of tools for designing, simulating and optimizing electromagnetic systems, and is used in leading technology and engineering companies around the world. The...
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Accuracy Read Frauscher Sensor Technology’s success story at www.cst.com/FST2017 Accurate simulation: Excellent agreement between simulation and measurement in the response curves of a Frauscher RSR180 wheel sensor. “ ST STUDIO SUITE gave us the ability to C quickly and accurately model our sensors including all complex interactions with the surrounding environment that just wouldn’t have been possible experimentally. The additional understanding will be invaluable in designing our future generations of sensors. In addition, I commend the friendly and competent CST staff who, albeit...
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Complete Technology To ensure that CST simulation technology remains at the cutting edge, its solvers are under continuous development, and represent decades of research into accurate and efficient computational techniques. This accuracy has allowed customers in many application areas who use CST STUDIO SUITE to construct virtual prototypes that mimic the behavior of the real device, saving time and money in the design cycle. Complete Technology: Simulating a magnetron requires high-frequency, static, thermal, mechanical and particle effects to be taken into account. For some...
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Powerful Modeling Tools S-Parameters [Magnitude in dB] MATERIAL TYPES IN CST STUDIO SUITE INCLUDE: Dielectrics Lossy metals Anisotropic materials Time-dependent materials Temperature-dependent materials Graded materials Dispersive materials ■■ Debye model Lorentz model Drude model Electric and magnetic gyrotropic SMD filter to be simulated with excellent accuracy. An accurate simulation requires an accurate model. This means that the model has to represent the real-world object and capture the full range of phenomena that can affect its EM performance. CST STUDIO SUITE includes a powerful...
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Multiphysics Electromagnetism is closely linked to other fields of physics, including mechanics and thermodynamics. Multiphysics analysis is therefore necessary in the design of many different components, from motors and generators to induction heaters and microwave ovens. In many cases, electric and magnetic effects are inseparable from thermal and mechanical effects – for example, a high-power filter will heat up when in use, and this can cause thermal deformation that affects the performance of the filter. The link to SIMULIA® strengthens CST’s multiphysics offering further. For more...
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Robust, Accurate Meshing Meshing techniques: Various meshing strategies for a simple reflector antenna: staircase, curved tetrahedral, curved hybrid surface, and the proprietary CST technology PBA. In simulation, structures and fields are discretized onto a mesh. Each additional cell increases the computational requirements of the simulation, which means that it is advantageous if the mesh accurately describes the model while using as few mesh cells as possible. CST STUDIO SUITE includes hexahedral and tetrahedral volume meshes and hybrid triangular and quadrilateral surface meshes, with...
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Wi-Fi coverage simulation: Electric field from a Wi-Fi antenna at 2.45 GHz inside a bus, simulated with the Transient Solver. High frequency Particle dynamics A selection of the solver types available in CST STUDIO SUITE. Transient Solver – general purpose Frequency Domain Solver – general purpose Integral Equation Solver – electrically large structures, RCS Asymptotic Solver – installed performance, RCS Eigenmode Solver – resonant cavities Multilayer Solver – planar structures Filter Designer 2D – RF filter analysis and synthesis Filter Designer 3D – cross-coupled filter analysis and...
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Read Airbus Defence & Space’s success story at www.cst.com/MPO2017 “ ith the help of CST STUDIO SUITE and the implemented W high-performance solver techniques, we were able to verify the RF communications requirements and to establish reasonable EMC requirements for the various units and instruments on the spacecraft.” Dr.-Ing. Christian Imhof, Satellite Products, Airbus Defence and Space Spacecraft antenna placement: Simulation model of the BepiColmobo Mercury Planetary Orbiter. Low-gain antennas are represented by field sources (red). Antenna performance: Radiation pattern for one...
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High Performance and Cloud Computing “G PU computing has allowed us to perform some complex simulations that were previously impractical. ” Find out more about CST’s HPC capabilities at www.cst.com/HPC2017 “Matt Fuller, Selex ES Because high-performance hardware represents a significant investment, our hardware experts are available to advise users who are considering purchasing or upgrading HPC systems, and review hardware configurations. CST offers also benchmarking services, in collaboration with vendor test centers, to help ensure that the chosen hardware configuration offers excellent...
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Automatic Optimization Antenna optimization: A microstrip patch array, optimized to improve transmission in the WLAN frequency band, before (left) and after (right) optimization. The number of variables that affect the performance of even the simplest device can be overwhelming. Optimization automates the process of tuning these variables, with the goal of finding a set of values that satisfies the design requirements. The built-in optimizers in all CST STUDIO SUITE modules can be used to optimize any parameter, including the geometry of the model, the properties of the materials and the...
Open the catalog to page 12Archived catalogs
12 Pages
3 Pages
4 Pages
XFlow 2019x
2 Pages
6 Pages
28 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
SIMULIA V6R2013x_2012
7 Pages
EN O V IA V 6R 2013x
12 Pages
power of CATIA
1 Pages
DraftSight support options
1 Pages
SIMULIA V6R2013x_2015
4 Pages
CATIA for Creative Designers
9 Pages
5 Pages
5 Pages
CATIA Advanced FE Modeling
2 Pages
CATIA Surface FE Modeling
2 Pages
CATIA Structural Analysis
2 Pages
SIMULIA Execution Engine
2 Pages
Isight 5.8
3 Pages
SIMULIA DesignSight Thermal
2 Pages
6 Pages
Abaqus for CATIA V5
6 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
6 Pages
Abaqus 6.8
8 Pages