Catalog excerpts

Your Technology Specialist >
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The information in this product catalog is based on the experience gained in decades of research on the develop- ment and manufacture of seals and components for vibration control in the Freudenberg group. It represents the current state of our knowledge. The sealing effect of many products in the catalog is, however, not provided solely by the component. Indeed, in the specific application this effect depends on other parameters such as installation position and contact area, the pressure applied, operating temperature, media to be sealed, lubrication, vibration control-related effects and...
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Freudenberg Simrit GmbH & Co. KG | O-Rings and Static Seals Catalog 2007 >
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The S i mr i t serv i ce package at a glance: > Our un i que serv i ce package sets standards i n qual i ty, func-t i onal i ty and cost effect i veness throughout the i ndustry. > With its comprehensive product range and large number of services, Simrit provides a service package unique in the market for almost every application. Simrit employs its leading technological expertise so that you benefit: We ana-lyse your entire system and fine-tune the individual components to each other in an optimum way. This means you get exactly the solution that best fulfils your requirements Ζ cost...
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Your S i mr i t Partner > Freudenberg Simrit GmbH & Co. KG | O-Rings and Static Seals Catalog 2007 size="-1">
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Del i berately targeted develop-ment of mater i als guarantees the h i ghest poss i ble qual i ty and long l i fe More than 250 engineers and chemists worldwide are developing new mate- rials every day for the highest possible functional requirements in joint deve- lopment ventures with various research institutions plus leading manufacturers of polymers and chemicals. The materi- als we develop must fulfil the respective customer-specific requirements and with- stand all the loadings feasible in their branch of industry ֖ both with regard to temperature, pressure and resistance to media...
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Un i quely w i de range of standard mater i als Comprehens Materials manufactured individually to your wishes and requirements are un-usually important in the comprehensive performance package from Simrit. The use of polymers, based on our own raw materials and tailored to your require- ments, enables Simrit to develop high performance materials which satisfy the highest functional demands. We use our global materials database for the selec- tion of application-specific materials, which groups together the know-how of our experts, working worldwide, to form a network of top technological...
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Languages Susta i nab i l i ty All attendance seminars are offered in both German and English. Simultaneous translation is available at every Inno- vations Forum. For each Simrit Academy event, you will also receive comprehensive documenta-tion to accompany the course informa- tion. Your participation is substantiated by DIN-ISO 9001 format seminar certi- ficate. > Pract Product i cal relevance i v i ty Ind Reinforcement of theoretical knowledge through practical exercises. At the same time we invite you to view our produc- tion and research facilities. With the knowledge that you have...
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S Innovat i mr i t Sem i on Forum i nar Spec i al The course contents are highly specia- lised and concentrate on conveying knowledge related to a specific product or material area. Interested parties learn about all the new Simrit innovations in this lecture series, and can exchange knowledge and ex- perience with panels of experts and with other participants. > Y ou v i s i t our Academy on loca-t i mr i t Bas i c Sem i nar i on i n We i nhe i m and d i rectly exper Participants without previous technical knowledge can get to know the entire Simrit performance package. S i mr i t Profess...
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The seal you need Whatever you need at short notice, we can produce it within a few hours using state-of-the-art production technology. Tailor-made to suit your requirements, from single seals for prototypes through to mass production in economical batch sizes. Merkel Xpress saves you shaping costs and minimum order quantities ֖ by using new materials and thanks to our high-speed production and delivery systems. When i mr i t. Our serv i t has to be there i ce del i vers the des i n a hurry: Merkel Xpress from S Merkel Xpress offers you: i red seal w i th i n 24 hours. Delivery within 24...
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myS i mr i t the easy, exclus i ve offer i ng for smart onl i ne users Register once ֖ benefit continuously. As a registered user of the mySimrit customer area, you benefit from the continuously expanding service advan- tages. From initial query through product availability to quick CAD downloads and even accessing current news, you receive true added value for a minimum of registration effort. The best thing to do is test us today. > The new S i mr i t eCatalog Up to 100.000 items accessible online and available within 24 hours. The new eCatalog in the Simrit portal makes it possible. And...
Open the catalog to page 12
We speak your language:As a worldw i de lead i ng tech-nology spec i al i st, of course we also make our Internet serv i ces ava i lable to you i n your nat i ve language. R i ght from the start, our new onl i ne presence i s represented i n the nat i onal language of the most i mportant i ndustr i al markets. And, we are cont i nually expand i ng our portal for you.S i mr i ness i t on the Internet your platform for successful bus Smart navigation and full-text searches for rapid results An extensive eCatalog with more than 100.000 itemsEasy download function for 3D-CADAn overview of our...
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12 Freudenberg Simrit GmbH & Co. KG | O-Rings and Static Seals Catalog 2007 >
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Table of Contents / Design Types in Alphabetical Order > ISC O-Ring C 14 Cover Lid Seal Type 6324 139 Static Seals E Back-Up Ring SRA 105Back-Up Ring SRI 109Spiral Back-Up Ring SPR 112Profiles for Static Applications 115Usit Rings U, UA, USF 121Plug & Seal Plug Connections 128Merkel Cover Seal PU 82 130Merkel Cover Seal PU 83 134Merkel Grafiflex Cover Seal 138Merkel Cover Lid Seal Type 6324 139Sealing Cover GA, GSA 140Merkel Grafiflexή 6501 142Merkel Endless Packing Rings 143On the last pages you will find Endless Packing Rings 143 G GA 140Grafiflex 6501 142Grafiflexή Cover Seal 138GSA 140...
Open the catalog to page 15All Simrit catalogs and technical brochures
Merkel U-Ring Seal Set 0217
1 Pages
Merkel U-Ring Seal Set 0214
2 Pages
Radiamatic HTS II
4 Pages
Simmerring® MROToolkit
4 Pages
Industrial Standard O-Ring
70 Pages
HTS II Typ 9535
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
Simmerring BAUM.../SL
2 Pages
Simmerring B2.../SL
2 Pages
Simmerring B1.../SL
2 Pages
Simmerring B2PT
1 Pages
Simmerring MSS 1
1 Pages
Custom-Made SURFACES
20 Pages
Catalogue 2007 Vibration Control
131 Pages
Catalogue 2007 Pneumatics
93 Pages
Floating Seals, ES Series brochure
12 Pages
Gasket brochure
4 Pages