Catalog excerpts

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analogue flowmeters pulse flow or ratemeters 8 8 Output modules current
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Controllers, data recorders, HMI The MultiCon line includes advanced controllers and data recorders with great potential closed in small casings. MultiCon has been specifically designed for advanced applications in industrial automatic control engineering. It does not mean, however, that the device cannot be applied in smaller systems. MultiCon can be equipped with three isolated RS-485 interfaces which make it a perfect solution for distributed systems to work as CPU. Thanks to Ethernet interface the device can be monitored via the Internet. A wide range of input and output modules allows...
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-slot B - I/O module I II I -slot C - I/O module | || | available modules listed below MultiCon CMC-XX-P/D/C/B/A-XXXversion:- 99 : 96 x 96 mm case 141 : 144 x 144 mm case Optional: LKS-99/141 Data logging licence key MLS-99/141 MultiLevel Access licence key ENS-99/141 „E-mail notifications" licence key options: 001: no options 00C: PCB conformal coating 011: IP 65 frame 01C: IP 65 frame + PCB conformal coating 081: operating temp. -20°C f +50°C + PCB conformal coating 0B1: front USB Host (IP 40) 0BC: front USB Host (IP 40) + PCB conformal coating 0P1: IP 65 + operating temp. -20°C f +50°C +...
Open the catalog to page 4
MultiCon Power supply modules PS42 PS32 and PS42 modules are used to supply the MultiCon. PS32 module can be supplied with: 19V * 50V DC 16V * 35V AC PS42 module can be supplied with: 85V * 260V DC or AC Additionally modules contain: - service purpose input (service port), - 24V DC output, used to supply external sensors, - digital input, used for digital signal measurement, - RS-485 port, used for communication with other devices using Modbus protocol. MODULE PIN ASSIGNMENT PS32 PS42 Power supply 19V -f 50V DC 16V -f 35V AC Power supply 85V-260V AC/DC Pin description: 1, 2 : power supply...
Open the catalog to page 5
MultiCon Input modules - universal ■ UN3: 3 isolated universal inputs ■ UN5: 5 isolated universal inputs On customer's request, it is possible to install modules equipped with 3 or 5 universal inputs. Each module includes a sensor for cold junction compensation. It is most advanced input module, available for the MultiCon. With its help user can make many different kind of measurements in each channel. This module can measure: voltage, current, resistance, temperature using resistance sensors or thermocouples. 3 universal inputs 5 universal inputs UN modules parameters are: - Name -...
Open the catalog to page 6
MultiCon Input modules - current ■ I16: 16 current inputs ■ I24: 24 current inputs ■ IS6: 6 isolated current inputs MultiCon can be equipped with modules having 16 or 24 non isolated or 6 isolated current inputs. To make sensor connection easier, modules I16 and I24 have inputs groupped into fours. IS6 module has all inputs separated one from another and signal polarity on it's inputs has no matter. MODULE PIN ASSIGNMENT I16 16 current All GND terminals in the I16 and I24 modules are common but separated from power supply and other modules. Current inputs parameters are: - Name - read-only...
Open the catalog to page 7
MultiCon Input modules - voltage ■ U16: 16 voltage inputs ■ U24: 24 voltage inputs On customer's request, the MultiCon device can be equipped with 16 or 24 voltage input modules. To make sensor connection easier, inputs are grouped and all ground terminals are common but separated from power supply and other modules. Voltage input parameters are: - Name - read-only input name given by the device, - Unit - read-only field which displays measurement unit „V", - Mode - defines measurement range (0 - 5V, 1 - 5V, 0 - 10V, 2 - 10V), - Low limit - defines measurement level below which in logical...
Open the catalog to page 8
MultiCon Input modules - voltage/current ■ UI4: 4 voltage + 4 current inputs ■ UI8: 8 voltage + 8 current inputs ■ UI12: 12 voltage + 12 current inputs The MultiCon UI modules include 8, 16 or 24 voltage / current inputs, mixed where half of them are voltage and half are current. To make sensor connection easier, inputs are grouped and all ground terminals are common but separated from power supply and other modules. MODULE PIN ASSIGNMENT Voltage / current inputs parameters are: - Name - read-only input name given by the device, - Unit - read-only field which displays unit of measurement, -...
Open the catalog to page 9
Input modules - voltage/current/NTC■ UI4N8: 4 voltage + 4 current + 8 NTC inputs ■ UI8N8: 8 voltage + 8 current + 8 NTC inputs The MultiCon UIN modules include 16 or 24 voltage / current / NTC inputs, which allows to measure current, voltage, resistance and temperature (using NTC sensors). Inputs are gathered into groups to make connections easier. All ground terminals of a particular module are common, but separated from power supply and other modules. If it is necessary to make measurements with different ground potentials, several UIN modules have to be installed into MultiCon unit....
Open the catalog to page 10
Input modules - voltage/current/digital■ UI4D8: 4 voltage + 4 current + 8 digital inputs ■ UI8D8: 8 voltage + 8 current + 8 digital inputs The MultiCon UID modules include 16 or 24 voltage / current / digital inputs, which allows to measure current and voltage and can be equipped with uninsulated digital inputs. Inputs are gathered into groups to make connections easier. All ground terminals of a particular module are common, but separated from power supply and other modules. If it is necessary to make measurements with different ground potentials, several UID modules have to be installed...
Open the catalog to page 11
Input modules - thermocouple TC4: 4 thermocouple inputs TC8: 8 thermocouple inputs TC12: 12 thermocouple inputs The range of TC modules consist of 4, 8 and 12 thermocouple input modules, each equipped with 1 input for connectors temperature measurement. Primary destination of these modules is temperature measurement using thermocouple sensors, but it is also possible to measure voltage with typical thermocouple ranges. TC modules parameters are: - Name - read-only input name given by the device, - Unit - read-only field which displays „°C” or „mV”, depending on Mode parameter settings, -...
Open the catalog to page 12All SIMEX Sp. z o.o. catalogs and technical brochures
Temperature sensors catalogue
96 Pages
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MultiCon brochure
19 Pages
1 Pages
SimCorder Soft Overview
7 Pages
Galvanic Isolators brochure
4 Pages
Digital indicator SWS-147
3 Pages
Archived catalogs
1 Pages