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We reserve the right to change these specifications without prior notice. STANDARD Model FREE PASSAGE MEASURES L x A (mm) EXTERIOR DOOR MEASURES RECOMMENDED MEASURES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SPAN (*) L x A (mm) SILENTIUM PM 43CF-1/700 SILENTIUM PM 43CF-1/800 SILENTIUM PM 43CF-1/900 SILENTIUM PM 43CF-2/1 400 SILENTIUM PM 43CF-2/1 600 SILENTIUM PM 43CF-2/1800 (*) It can (and should) vary in function of the type of involving Wall and the respective dimensional tolerances. SPACE INTERIOR 1 - Steel Sheet 2 - HeavyCore 3 - Panel in a very absorbing plate 4 - Metallic frame with absorbing interior 5 - Special profile sealant 6 - Inox steel handle 7 - Adequate hinge to the weight of the door, allowing a 180o rotation 8 - Intumescent joint characteristics! Acoustic and cut-fire metallic Door with 56 mm of thickness, including the frame all around the edge.l Constituted by a heavy core and two absorbent chambers totally filled with M0 classification fire material.! With self-opening system / manual closing in aluminum wedge and double seal in special profile all around the edge.l Possibility of being supplied with oblique props and/or hurricanes on the frame for fixation with screws.! TYPICAL APPLICATIONS! Recording studios, cinema rooms, auditoriums, machine rooms and multiple industrial situations where high levels of acoustic and cut-fire isolation are required.! THICKNESS: 56 mm. Rw = 46dB TEST LAIC 8-133/05 ACESSORIES/POSSIBLE OPTIONS (UNDER CONSULTATION): Elimination of the frame in the pavement in substitution of mobile sealant, acoustic visors, inox steel handles, anti-panic bars and locks with key. SUPERFICIAL STANDARD TREATMENT: Primary grey color enamel

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