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FOR CUSTOMIZED CIRCUIT BOARDS I/O SYSTEM X-DIAS The X-DIAS I/O system is ideal for series machine manufacturing with medium to high volumes. Function-optimized modules can be flexibly integrated into individual circuit boards, minimizing wiring time and costs. Electronically, the modular I/O series X-DIAS is based on the proven S-DIAS system, so it is just as compact, robust and vibration-resistant. An electromechanical adaptation makes it possible to plug X-DIAS modules individually and directly onto circuit boards. MINIMAL WIRING Using wiring PCBs eliminates the need for manual...

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A VARIETY OF WEB PANELS The mobile panel HGT 1054 and the TT 1564 for swing arm mounting are new additions to our extensive web HMI portfolio. Both combine strong performance with intuitive operation and the highest user experience. USER-FRIENDLY ASSEMBLY The X-DIAS I/O modules can be individually and directly mounted on circuit boards. Coding pins on the back ensure that the modules are placed at the correct position. FOR MOBILE APPLICATIONS The HGT 1054 handheld operating panel with a 10.1” projected capacitive multi-touch display (WXGA 800 x 1280 px) impresses with its powerful x86 Intel...

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MORE CPU POWER, MORE MOT The compact S-DIAS control and I/O system combines high performance, mechanical stability and comfortable handling, making it the ideal choice for flexible automation solutions. Our new additions strengthen the S-DIAS series and guarantee unlimited module diversity. Stepper Motor Output Stage Control of 2-phase stepper motors with up to 50 V / 5 A Closed Loop control with incremental encoder input 1 brake chopper 2 enable inputs for STO (up to SIL 3, PL e) 2 latch / digital inputs +24 V/3.7 mA/10 μs Microstepping with up to 256 microsteps / full step Intel® Atom™...

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SINGLE-AXIS DRIVE UP TO 20 AMPS The modular DIAS-Drive 2000 multi-axis servo system gets a powerful boost. The MDP 2200-L-01 single-axis module offers up to 20 A rated current for controlling synchronous servo motors. Supply, power filter, brake resistor and DC link are also on board of the MPD 2200-L-01 – and all this within only 115 x 240 x 219 mm (size 2). The combined supply/axis module is operated at three-phase 400-480 VAC and can handle up to 60 A peak current. The overload factor is therefore up to 300 percent. Drive Modules with Absolute Encoder DC 064: 6 A continuous / 15 A peak...

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BETTER RESULTS – LESS EFFORT ENGINEERING TOOL LASAL LASAL allows machine builders to work at the highest level with less code and in a time-saving way. The object-oriented engineering suite offers convenient functions that simplify and accelerate development, such as safety macros, parameter lists or scripting. FLEXIBLE SAFETY APPLICATIONS The LASAL SAFETYDesigner offers developers of safety-related applications the option to design them completely parameterizable and therefore very flexible. It is only necessary to create one safety application for a machine or system with numerous...

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SCRIPTING INTEGRATED IN THE WEB-BASED LASAL VISUDESIGNER Software for various machine variants can be generated automatically in object-oriented programming (OOP) with LASAL – by using the Phyton scripting language. As a logical consequence, the scripting interface is also implemented in the HTML5based LASAL VISUDesigner. By using encapsulated graphic modules, different machine visualization variants can be easily modeled from a basic project, e.g. with recipe management, process design, data analyzer and much more. Your own graphical library functions can also be imported automatically....

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INTERNATIONAL GERMANY SIGMATEK GmbH & Co KG 5112 Lamprechtshausen Sigmatekstraße 1 Tel. +43 6274 43 21-0 Fax +43 6274 43 21-18 GREAT BRITAIN SIGMATEK Automation CO., Ltd 315040 Ningbo · Room 15A03, Building A, No. 555, Jingjia Road Tel. +86 574 87 75 30 85 Fax +86 574 87 75 30 65 SIGMATEK Automation UK Limited Warwick, CV34 4HL 1 Chapel Street Tel. +44 115 922 24 33 USA SIGMATEK U.S. Automation, Inc. 44133 North Royalton, Ohio...

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All SIGMATEK GmbH & Co KG catalogs and technical brochures

  1. PS 101

    1 Pages

  2. CP 731

    1 Pages

  3. CP 112

    1 Pages

  4. CP 311

    1 Pages

  5. CP 312

    1 Pages

  6. IPC 221

    2 Pages

  7. CP 102

    1 Pages

  8. C-IPC 171

    1 Pages

  9. PC 521

    1 Pages

  10. PC 444-W

    1 Pages

  11. PVDM 086

    1 Pages

  12. PVDM 087

    1 Pages

  13. PVAI 011

    1 Pages

  14. SCP 111

    1 Pages

  15. SDI 101

    1 Pages

  16. STO 081

    1 Pages

  17. SDM 081

    2 Pages

  18. SNC 021

    1 Pages

  19. SRO 021

    1 Pages

  20. SSI 021

    1 Pages

  21. SIB 061

    1 Pages

  22. ST 151

    2 Pages

  23. DC 061-1

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. CP 111

    1 Pages

  2. HGW 1033

    2 Pages


    8 Pages

  4. Product catalog

    330 Pages