Catalog excerpts

HB1 and VB1 Generator Circuit-Breaker Switchgear Medium-Voltage Switchgear Totally Integrated Power – HB1 and VB1 Answers for infrastructure and cities.
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Medium-Voltage Switchgear Typical uses, classification 6 Customer benefits, design features 7 Technical data_ HB1 electrical data, dimensions 9 VB1 electrical data, dimensions 10 Connection types, transport 13 Operation, control panel, features 16 Product range_ Generator vacuum circuit-breaker 21 Disconnectors, fused load break switches Surge arresters, capacitors, current and voltage transformers, fuses 23 Standards, specifications, guidelines 24 to 27 The products and systems described in this catalog are manufactured and sold according to a certified HB1 and VB1 Generator...
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Fig. 2 Example of a control panel Fig. 3 Example of a VB1 switchgear 4 HB1 and VB1 Generator Circuit-Breaker Switchgear · Siemens HB1 / VB1 · 2014
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Application Independent of the type of power plant, the use of a generator circuit-breaker switchgear provides numerous advantages. The implementation of this equipment in the system increases the protability, availability and security of the power plant, minimizing losses of production and earnings due to maintenance or high investments in unexpected reparations. Some of the advantages of using generator circuit-breaker switchgear: Reliable synchronization and power plant optimization • One switching operation on the generation side of the GSUT only • Half-sized generator conguration (2...
Open the catalog to page 5
Application Typical uses Siemens generator circuit-breaker switchgear types HB1 and VB1 are factory-assembled, air-insulated, metal-enclosed, non-phase segregated switchgear for indoor and outdoor installation and they are designed according to the standards IEC 61271-1 and IEC 61936-1 (VDE 0101). The type tests of the HB1 and VB1 have been carried out according to the standard IEC 62271-200. Classication The generator circuit-breaker switchgear types HB1 and VB1 correspond to the following classications: HB1 Loss of service continuity category and partition class Loss of service continuity...
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Requirements Customer benets, design features Based on years of experience and customer orientation as a pioneer in development of vacuum switchgear technology for reliable transmission and distribution of electrical power in medium voltage, Siemens has gained the competence and solutions for the unique switching duties of generator circuits. Siemens has optimized its portfolio of high-current and generator circuit-breaker switchgear in order to meet the high demands of the merging market for power generation sets in the range of 30 MVA up to 240 MVA. Customer benets Design features • No...
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Requirements Customer benets, design features Customer benets Design features • Saves money • Use of maintenance-free vacuum circuit-breakers • Due to its compact design the necessary space for installation is minimized thanks to a modular enclosure concept • Factory-assembled, thus reducing installation works on site • Signicant lower life-cycle costs in terms of inspection intervals and maintenance costs compared to other switching medium technologies • Long lifetime of the switchgear and all components (> 20 years) • Switching medium: Vacuum • Minimized use of plastics • No pollution •...
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Technical data HB1 electrical data, dimensions Rated values for HB1 Rated voltage short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage lightning Impulse withstand voltage short-time withstand current peak withstand current Generator feeder Generator feeder Generator feeder normal current of feeders: Generator feeder Auxiliary transformer feeder for transformers ≤ 1250 kVA with FLBS 5) Auxiliary transformer feeder for transformers > 1250 kVA A with 1250 A VCB or 3150 A VGCB Auxiliary transformer feeder with disconnector Auxiliary transformer feeder without switching devices Auxiliary transformer...
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Technical data VB1 electrical data, dimensions Rated values for VB1 Rated voltage short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage lightning Impulse withstand voltage short-time withstand current peak withstand current normal current of feeders: A Generator / Transformer feeder Generator / Transformer feeder Generator / Transformer feeder Generator / Transformer feeder Auxiliary transformer feeder for transformers ≤ 1250 kVA with FLBS 5) Auxiliary transformer feeder for transformers > 1250 kVA A with 1250 A VCB or 3150 A VGCB Auxiliary transformer feeder with disconnector Auxiliary...
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Technical data Room planning Plan view Recommended minimum distances for maintenance In case of a room height of above 4000 mm, pressure relief is adequate from the top. Otherwise, the pressure relief system must be evaluated according to the room conditions. In case of a room height of above 4000 mm, pressure relief is adequate from the top. Otherwise, the pressure relief system must be evaluated according to the room conditions. Fig. 15 Example of pressure relief channel
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Technical data Connection Connection with cables Connection with busbar system Fig. 16 Possibilities for connection of an HB1 switchgear The connection to the generator and the transformer can be done by means of either cables, fully-insulated busbars or non-phase segregated bus ducts. The connection to the terminals can be either from top, bottom or horizontally from the left and right side. Similar connection types are available for VB1 switchgear. The location is to be dened according to the project requirements. *) Only without auxiliary feeder 12 HB1 and VB1 Generator Circuit-Breaker...
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Technical data Connection types The connection to the generator and transformer can be done by means of either cables, fully-insulated busbars (e.g. make Preissinger® or DURESCA®) or non-phase segregated bus ducts. The connection to the terminals can be either from top, bottom or horizontally from the left and right side. Additionally, an isolated phase bus duct with a phase-centre distance < 510 mm can be connected from the side. The access to the connection terminals is covered with nonmagnetic sheet metal which is cut out according to the number of cables and respectively the diameter of...
Open the catalog to page 13All Siemens Medium-voltage – Power distribution catalogs and technical brochures
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