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Scan QR code to know more about NXAirS 550+ Air-Insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+, up to 12kV
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Overview Typical Applications Typical Applications Classification Description Technical Data 3AE5 Vacuum Circuit-breaker Product Range Circuit-breaker Panel Disconnecting Panel Voltage Transformer Panel Metering Panel Self-used Transformer Panel Symbol Description Basic Design of Switchgear Switchgear Design Introduction Switchgear Compartment Introduction Component Introduction Data center Dimension & Layout Diagram 18 Foundation Dimension Switchgear Assembling Layout Applicable Standards & Environment Applicable...
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Overview Features and Applications Classification Description Siemens medium-voltage air-insulated switchgear NXAirS 550+ switchgear meet the requirements of IEC 62271-200 and GB 3906 The air-insulated switchgear follows the classic design of NXAirS and has the features of NXAirS standard switchgear. Its width is optimized to be 550mm, so as to provide more compact solution for the increasingly scarce space and reduce the construction investment expenses due to the reduced space requirement. Loss of service continuity...
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Technical Data Electrical Data Technical parameters for NXAirS 550+ air-insulated switchgear (up to) Technical parameters for NXAirS 550 + air-insulated switchgear Rated voltage Rated frequency 1min. power-frequency withstand voltage (50Hz) Lightning impulse withstand voltage Rated short-circuit breaking current Rated short-time withstand current Rated short-circuit making current Rated peak withstand current Rated normal current of the busbar Rated normal current of the feeders Rated voltage 1min power-frequency withstand...
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Product Range Circuit-breaker Panel
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Product Range Circuit-breaker Panel
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Product Range Disconnecting Panel
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Product Range Disconnecting Panel
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Product Range Bus Sectionalizer
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Product Range Bus Sectionalizer
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Product Range Voltage Transformer Panel
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Product Range Metering Panel
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Product Range Self-used Transformer Panel / Symbol Description Self-used Transformer Panel Symbol Description Vacuum Circuitbreaker Truck Voltage Transformer Truck (fuse optional) Disconnector Link Truck Current Transformer Surge Arrester Fuse Truck Make-proof Earthing Switch Auxiliary Transformer * VPIS: Voltage Presence Indicating System
Open the catalog to page 13
Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Design Basic Design of Switchgear Switchgear Structure (as illustrated) • Integrated mimic diagram. • Display of the respective switch positions for circuit-breaker CLOSED/OPEN, disconnected position, earthing switch CLOSED/ OPEN, on the integrated mimic diagram. • Unambiguous assignment of actuating openings and control elements to the corresponding position indicators. • All switching operations are always with high-voltage door closed. • Ergonomically favorable height for all control and indicator elements. • Options:...
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Design Switchgear Design Introduction NXAirS 550+ air-insulated compact switchgear The frame is made of high-strength corrosion-resistant AI-Zn-plated steel plate and we take its design of safety and convenient installation into consideration. Each switchgear comprises a switching device, a busbar compartment, a connection compartment and a low-voltage compartment. Each compartment provides a pressure relief channel whose metallic lid can be opened automatically. If internal arcing fault occurs, the channel can release...
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Design Compartment introduction Busbar compartment - Enclosure made of Al-Zn-plated sheet steel. - Pressure relief upwards. - Busbar adopts conventional "top and twin-side bottom" structure of NXAirS switchgear to save the vertical space. The same structure and position of the busbar enables easy combine with other different NXAirS series panel. - Siemens use flat copper, bolted from panel to panel. The bolt hole is rhombic design and convenient for construction personnel's site installation . Connection Compartments -...
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Design Switchgear Components Introduction 3AE Vacuum Circuit-breaker - Siemens has more than 30-year-experience of vacuum products design and operating. - It is maintenance-free for more than 10000 times and reaches a mechanical life up to 30,000 times under normal conditions with maintennance. - The contact of vacuum interrupt adopts Cu-Cr alloy and has high dielectric strength, high short-circuit breaking, strong arc erosion resistance capability and very low contact resistance. - Highly flame-retardant insulating...
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Air-insulated Compact Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAirS 550+ Catalog Dimension & Layout Foundation Dimension Standard panel Panel with busbar riser in busbar compartment Panel with standard rear duct 460 mm Switchgear Assembling Layout ≥150 Cable Tunnel Control Cable Tunnel 550 For connection from the front ≥150mm (only when PT is not in the cable compartment applicable) For connection from the rear ≥ 1000mm ① Cable Position ( Depends on whether cable is used or not) ② Control Cable Position ③ Fixed Point, 20×60mm rectangular hole ④ Install 5# U-bar in front and rear o
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