Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation


Catalog excerpts

Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation - 1

Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation

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Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation - 2

In grid operation, nothing is as onstant as change c Operators of power grids around the world are e xperi ncing continuous change in their industry: e For ecological and economic reasons, the energy mix is changing toward an ever larger share of renewable power sources. Their volatility brings fundamental c hallenges to grid operators and demands different s trategies to guarantee stable power supply at all times.

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Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation - 3

Fundamental changes are impacting the power industry. Markets are being deregulated and liberalized, urbanization is continuing around the world, all this accompanied by a constantly growing demand for energy. At the same time, ambitious environmental and CO2 reduction goals call for a more efficient utilization of energy sources. This is reflected in a massive shift in the energy mix toward an increasing share of renewable energy sources, while large thermal power plants are being shut down for environ ental or economic reasons. m Over the last three decades Siemens has thoroughly a...

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Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation - 5

Grid stability and power quality made to order While every power grid and every large industrial consumer has specific challenges in terms of power quality, reactive power compensation, and grid stability, our FACTS ystems offer customized solutions to these challenges from a single source. s Modular versatility Power electronics – a decisive breakthrough Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) are a family of power transmission solutions that contribute to nhanced e grid stability and power quality. Its specialized devices offer both For decades, reactive power compensation was accom...

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Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation - 6

Control range Redundancy Compensation of predictable load changes Fast dynamic compensation and voltage recovery during faults Limited switching only No response Adjustable by MSC and MSR ranges No inbuilt redundancy Unlimited switching Good overvoltage performance Adjustable by branch ranges lnbuilt redundancy in thyristor valves Response time 2-5 cycles, depending on breaker Operation and maintenance Very low, depending on breaker Losses at 0 MVAR output power 0% TCR is source of harmonics -AC filters required 2-3 cycles Low, primarily visual inspection 0.3% of the rated output power >99%

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Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation - 7

When it comes to reliable network control and optimal reactive power compensation, choosing the right technology partner is especially important. Unlike competitors with a limited portfolio, we can offer you comprehensive, unbiased consulting or find a solution optimized for your individual network requirements. Fast dynamic compensation and Fast dynamic compensation and Provision of short-circuit power, inertia, voltage recovery during faults voltage recovery during faults dynamic compensation, and voltage recovery during faults Unlimited switching Unlimited switching Continuous operation...

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Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation - 8

The most economical solution: mechanically switched capacitors and reactors Mechanically switched capacitors (MSC) and mechanically switched reactors (MSR) are the simplest and most economical type of reactive power compensation device. MSCDN installation Well proven in numerous applications Both MSC and MSR are non-dynamic solu tions for biasing the voltage with a discrete step. MSC increase the voltage at the point of connection, whereas MSR will decrease it. For voltage support, MSC are most com mon. MSC and MSR are connected to the grid using high-voltage circuit breakers. When defining...

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Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation - 9

MSCDN Mambong, Malaysia The seven Mambong MSCDNs are part of the “275-kV Mambong and Entinggan substation extension” project. As part of the project, Siemens verified the MSCDN compo nent’s design to ensure its proper interaction with the grid, delivered the components, and commissioned all of the MSCDNs locally. The purpose of the capacitor banks was primarily voltage support and filtering of specific frequen cies at the Mambong substation. Technical data Customer Sarawak Energy Berhad, Malaysia Operating range Various, 20 MVAr to 80 MVAr 2 x 80 MVAr 2 x 40 MVAr 3 x 20 MVAr Mambong Singap

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Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation - 10

Static Var Compensators (SVC) for a fast and dynamic response Static Var Compensators are a mature technology that offers very rapid and variable reactive power compensation. An SVC is always individually designed. They continuously and smoothly control and change the network voltage without steps by controlling reactive power elements. By selecting their number per branch type and their individual sizes, electrical parameters, and the overall configuration, any operating range and mode can be obtained. This makes the SVC a very f lexible and customized device. It is d esigned and...

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Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation - 11

Devers SVC, Southern California, Edison, USA Perfect control required changes to the settings. This can be performed both remotely through SCADA in a dispatch center or locally at the SVC. However, in most cases the controller will be set to automatic mode: In utility applications, the voltage on the HV side is measured to regulate the reactive power output of the SVC. In industrial applications, the load current is the reference value. The SVC control is based on Siemens’ S IMATIC TDC system, a broadly used p latform in industrial and power industry applications. It allows you to choose...

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Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation - 12

Saudi Arabia’s energy infrastructure has been growing rapidly over the last 40 years and will continue to do so for the next 10 to 15 years. This growth comes with several challenges: Previously islanded networks of the load centers are now interconnected by long transmission lines. However, between these load centers there are wide areas of negligible power consumption. Sand storms cause short circuits in the exposed HV electrical infrastructure, which makes the system vulnerable. Technical data Customer Saudi Electric Company System voltage Operating range –30 (inductive) to +180 MVAr...

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Parallel compensation Comprehensive solutions for safe and reliable grid operation - 13

The two SVCs’ function is to enhance the transient and dynamic stability of the transmission network for HydroQuébec, which is considered the largest transmission network in North America. Due to the location of the SVCs – on the island of Montreal, much closer to the main load center than any other SVC on the Hydro-Québec network – they also provide voltage control during load variations. The design of the SVCs was primarily driven by the location of the substation, the advanced control strategies, and consideration of the transmission system’s behavior during special events like...

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