Catalog excerpts

PCB Routing com D A T A S H E E T www.mentor.com/pads Major product features The industry’s newest routing technologies • Advanced algorithms for high-density and high-speed routing • Pre-route analyses • Critical DRCs • Multiple interactive DRC modes • Superior interactive routing control • Superior hierarchical rules structure • Advanced manufacturing route strategies • Multiple topologies • Customizable GUI PADS Routing Solutions Whether you prefer to route interactively, automatically, or with a combination of both, PADS®Routing Solutions can get the job done right, quickly and accurately. Overview PADS® Routing Solutions feature efficient methodologies and native, any-angle and diagonal routing algorithms that make it easy to produce high-density, high-quality designs efficiently. Designers can choose from several PADS Routing Solutions: • PADS AutoRouter - High-performance, any-angle autorouter • PADS AutoRouter HSD - Tools for batch and interactive high-speed routing • PADS Router - Shaped-based, gridless interactive route editor • PADS Router HSD - Tools for interactive high-speed routing PADS AutoRouter is the industry’s first true, angle-free auto-router. It is tightly integrated with PADS Layout for fast, efficient layout and routing. By routing correctly from the outset, PADS AutoRouter minimizes trace rework, reducing design iterations and getting newlydesigned boards to fabrication faster. PADS AutoRouter now works with the PADS Router interactive route editor. Two new options, PADS Router HSD and PADS AutoRouter HSD, offer interactive and automatic routing of length-constrained nets for efficient high speed design. The ultra-fast, animation-quality graphics of PADS Routing Solutions enable fast and easy review of board designs, while hierarchical project windows make it easy to see the relationships among design elements.
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Component Entry Rules – For better routability of high pin-count, fine-pitched devices, PADS AutoRouter automatically adheres to component entry rules such as those specifying unique trace width and clearance attributes. Component entry rules can be set to decals or individual components. This is helpful when it is necessary to route out from fine-pitched devices.With the trace width and/or clearance set smaller than the desired or recommended rules, PADS AutoRouter can create a narrower trace segment than would otherwise be allowed. Once the trace clears the component boundary, it reverts...
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The plowing action of PADS Router pushes traces out of the way as you route. savable workspaces, allowing easy storage and recall of screen layout preferences when multiple designers share the same computer. PADS AutoRouter also provides an editing environment for creating custom macro applications using Visual Basic (VB) or C++. Interactive Routing – PADS Router is the PADS interactive route editor. Based on shaped-based algorithms, the PADS Router is superior to the Dynamic Route Editor (DRE) found in earlier versions of PowerPCB™ PADS Router allows users to enable and disable features...
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Differential Pairs – Differential pairs are critical to high-speed design, and PADS AutoRouter HSD provides a way to control signal skew, timing windows, and susceptibility to interference in differential circuits. It maximizes noise-canceling effects automatically. Alternatively, PADS Router HSD provides interactive control over these same effects, offering designers choices in routing differential pairs: together, by selecting a single pin-pair member, or separately. Both PADS AutoRouter HSD and PADS Router HSD keep the differential pair signals together for as much of the routing path as...
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