Catalog excerpts

Fast, Accurate, Rule-Based Parasitic Extraction Circuit Verification Calibre Interactive Calibre nmLVS Calibre PERC Process Description Extraction Rule File Netlist Parasitic Database Calibre RVE Calibre xACT 3D Reference Calibre xRC is fully integrated into the Calibre verification suite for seamless creation of netlists and parasitic debugging in the design environment using Calibre RVE. xCalibrate is used by foundries to create extraction rule files, and the same rule files can be used by Calibre xRC, Calibre xL, Calibre xACT 3D and Calibre xACT 3D Reference. High-Performance Rule-Based Parasitic Extraction with Industry-Proven Accuracy Calibre® xRC parasitic extraction gives designers rapid, accurate, and comprehensive feedback, increasing confidence that manufactured devices will function according to design. It seamlessly integrates with all major design flows because it is a constituent element of the industry-proven Calibre physical verification suite. With countless successful tapeouts to its name, foundry-qualified Calibre xRC signoff-quality rule decks in industry-standard SVRF format exist for practically every manufacturing process imaginable. Hierarchical Extraction Reduces Simulation Time Parasitic extraction tools can potentially generate a huge volume of data, impacting overall processing time including extraction and simulation of these very large netlists. The Calibre xRC product accelerates extraction and simulation in several ways: ■■ Leverages Calibre hierarchical design processing, greatly accelerating turnaround time particularly for designs that include regular arrays (e.g., memories), and multiple instances of hierarchical cells; ■■ Scales across multiple cores or CPUs using the Calibre multithreaded architecture; ■■ Accelerates time-to-simulation by providing sets of compact, transistor-level parasitic data that can be back-annotated and simulated while the extraction process is still running on other parts of the design; ■■ Combines mixed-level data (transistor-level, gate-level, and hierarchical), in a single parasitic extraction run; ■■ Full-chip performance— combines the performance of the Calibre hierarchical and multithreaded architecture with a compact netlist to boost throughput of large designs and maintain rapid feedback within custom design environments. Multiple process corner analysis does not require complete design re-run. ■■ Proven accuracy—Advanced extraction and process models correlate closely with field solver results; proprietary reduction algorithm maintains integrity of parasitic data. Reduces need for prohibitive design margins by incorporating manufacturingdependent effects (e.g., in-die variation) into parasitic models. ■■ Rule deck availability— Availability of foundry-certified signoff rule decks in SVRF format ensures Calibre xRC parasitic extraction can meet your design needs regardless of process or foundry choice. ■■ Easy flow integration—Calibre xRC exchanges native database information with Calibre nmLVS, Calibre PERC, and Calibre xACT 3D products. Upstream design integration using Calibre Interactive, CalibreView and Calibre RVE enables GUI-driven launch, back annotation, and cross-probing for all popular layout environments. Support for all major transistor-based and cellbased simulation and analysis netlist formats ensures compatibility with downstream digital, custom, and mixed-signal flows.
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■■ Generates multiple netlists including any mixture of resistance, intrinsic capacitance, and coupling capacitance and based on multiple process corners without requiring a complete re-run; ■■ Generates compact netlists that accelerate simulation without sacrificing accuracy. Engines Precisely Model Advanced Effects The Calibre xRC capacitance engine’s proven close correlation with field solver and silicon data provides the greatest contribution to the overall accuracy of the product. The engine incorporates precise, specific models for vias, contacts, and poly-to-contact area, which are...
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analysis. Calibre xRC can optimize hierarchical netlist data for use with the Synopsys HSIM signal and power net analysis tool. The parasitic reduction capability of Calibre xRC is based on a proprietary combination of AWE and S-parameter techniques with custom control of thresholds and The Calibre parasitic database provides customizable parasitic models per net (for example, R only, RCC, RCCLM), to enable different analysis flows, including noise, timing, power, and signal integrity. Calibre Commitment to Innovation Calibre leads the way for one powerful reason—our constant and ongoing...
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