Catalog excerpts

TOP GRADE Cartridge Filters High efficiency cartridges TOP GRADE cartridge technology has been used for over 20 year and such cartridges are assembled on all SIDEROS ENGINEERING filtering units, from the movable one, ECO 2C, to the one with 24 cartridges, ECO 24 CT. • Reduced losses of load • Flame retardant (FLAME PROOF) • Longer life • Less energy consumption • Higher filtering quality • Possibility of releasing the ait into the workplace • Constant performances in time Filtering surface Sizes (ext. 0 X l.) Filtration Efficiency Particulate 0.3 micron at 99,997% Filtration class EN 779 - F7 , BIA - M Max. Temperature 65° C (149° F) continuous, 80°C (176° F) peak max. Sideros Engineering - Via I° Maggio 69, 29027 Podenzano - Italy (PC) Tel. +39 0523 524066 - Fax +39 0523 524951 - E-mail: info@siderosengineering.com - VAT no. 00746030337
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Synthetic nanofibres on cellulose substrate Sideros Engineering - Via I° Maggio 69, 29027 Podenzano - Italy (PC) Tel. +39 0523 524066 - Fax +39 0523 524951 - E-mail: info@siderosengineering.com - VAT no. 00746030337
Open the catalog to page 2All SIDEROS Engineering catalogs and technical brochures
General Catalog US 2022
32 Pages
General Catalog Europe 2022
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Downdraft Benches and Booths
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1 Pages
2 Pages
Deburring Tumblers
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Special projects on demand
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2 Pages