Product overview Industrial Sensors
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Product overview Industrial Sensors - 1


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Product overview Industrial Sensors - 4

Encoder Magnetic cylinder sensors Contrast-, Color-, Luminescence-, Sensors for profile cylinders with C-slot Transmission sensors Rotary encoders Sensors for profile cylinders with T-slot Contrast scanners Absolute encoders Sensors for tie-rod cylinders Color sensors Incremental encoders Sensors for integrated profile cylinders Luminescence scanners Sensors for round-body cylinders Fork sensors Linear encoders Sensors for cylinders with dovetail groove Absolute encoder Light grids Wire draw encoder Photoelectric switches and photoelectric Light grids proximity switches Reflex light grids...

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Product overview Industrial Sensors - 5

Encoders > Page 6 Ultrasonic sensors > Page 16 Inductive proximity sensors > Page 20 Capacitive proximity sensors > Page 30 Magnetic proximity sensors > Page 34 Magnetic cylinder sensors > Page 38 Photoelectric sensors and photoelectric proximity sensors > Page 44 C ontrast-, C olor-, L uminescence-, T ransmission sensors > Page 64 Light grids > Page 72 Distance sensors > Page 76 Machine Vision > Page 84 Accessories > Page 96 24-04-2006SICK5 size="-2">

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Product overview Industrial Sensors - 7

Incremental encoders, rotary > Incremental encoders generate information relat-ing to position and angle in the form of electricalimpulses. The number of pulses per revolution determines the resolving capability. The individual position is determined by counting these pulses from a point of reference. When the power is first switched on an initialising reference run is neededto determine absolute position. Absolute encoders, rotary > Absolute encoders generate information relatingto position, angle or number of revolutions in the form of unique codes. A unique code is assignedto each...

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Product overview Industrial Sensors - 8

Rotary encoders Incremental encoders Singleturn absolute encoders Multiturn absolute encoders Number of pulses from1to 10,000Zero-pulse Teach-in at the press of a button Opto-ASIC with chip-on- board technologyWide range of flanges andhollow shafts Various electrical interfaces Number of steps from 2 to 32,768Simple electronic zero-set at the push of a button or via a signal line Opto-ASIC with chip-on-board technologyWide range of flanges and hollow shafts Various interfaces Number of steps perrevolution from 2 to 8,192.Maximum number of revolutions: 8,192. The multiturn function is...

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Product overview Industrial Sensors - 9

Technical data DKS40 DRS60 Number of pulses per rotation 1 ...2,048 all conventional Any number of pulses numbers of pulses 1 ...8,192 Dimensions 50 mm ؘ 60 mm Interfaces/drivers Open Collector NPN, TTL/RS422, HTL/push pull TTL/RS422, HTL/push pull Supply voltage 4.5 ...5.5 V DC 4.5 ...5.5 V DC or 10 ...30 V DC or 10 ...32 V DC Approvals Solid shaft Servo flange 6 mm solid shaft Face mount flange 8 mm solid shaft 10 mm solid shaft Max. operating speed 6,000 min > 1 6,000/10,000 > 1) min > ֖1 Working temperature range 0 C ...+60 аC 20 ְC ...+85 C Connection type Cable can be used radially...

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Product overview Industrial Sensors - 10

Technical data DRS61 DGS60/DGS65/DGS66 Number of pulses per rotation Any number of pulses between 100 to 10,000 all conven- 1 ...8,192 programmable tional numbers of pulses by Programming Tool Dimensions 60 mm ؘ 60 mm Interfaces/drivers TTL/RS422, HTL/push pull TTL/RS422, HTL/push pull Supply voltage 4.5 ...5.5 V DC 4 ...6 V DC, or DC 10 ...32 V 10 ...30 V DC Approvals Solid shaft DGS60 Servo flange 6 mm solid shaft 6 mm solid shaft Face mount flange 10 mm solid shaft 10 mm solid shaft Max. operating speed 6,000/10,000 > 1) min > 1 6,000/10,000 > 1) min > ֖1 Working temperature range 20 ְC...

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Product overview Industrial Sensors - 11

Technical data DKV60 Resolution 2,000 pulses per 200 mm Dimensions of measuring drum 200 mm or 210 mm (o-ring) Surface of measuring drum Knurl DIN82-RAA 1, o-ring EPDM highly resistant to abrasion Interfaces TTL/RS422, HTL/push pull Operating voltage 4.5 ...5.5 V DC, 10 ...30 V DC Approvals Max. operating speed 1,500 min > 1 Working temperature range 0 ְC ...+60 C Connection type Universal cable Enclosure rating IP 65 > 24-04-2006SICK11 size="-1">

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Product overview Industrial Sensors - 12

Technical data ARS60 ATM60/ATM90 Singleturn encoder Multiturn encoder Resolution Any resolution from 8,192 steps per revolution 2 32,768 steps 8,192 revolutions (max. 25 bit with SSI) Dimensions Ř 60 mm 60 mm (ATM60) ؘ 93 mm (ATM90) Interfaces SSI or parallel (push-pull) SSI, RS 422 parameter interf., Profibus, DeviceNet, CANopen Supply voltage 10 ...32 V DC 10 ...30 V DC Approvals Solid shaft ATM60 Servo flange 6 mm solid shaft 6 mm solid shaft Face mount flange 10 mm solid shaft 10 mm solid shaft Max. operating speed 6,000/10,000 > 1) min > 1 6,000 min > ֖1 Working temperature range 20 ְC...

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Product overview Industrial Sensors - 13

Technical data PRF Incremental wire draw PKS Compact incremental encoder wire draw encoder Measurement range Up to 50 m Up to 5 m Resolution Up to 0.025 mm Up to 0.05 mm Reproducibility 1 measuring step ѱ3 measuring step Interfaces SSI, RS-422 parameter interf., TTL/RS 422 Profibus, DeviceNet, CANopen Operating voltage 4.5 ...5.5 V DC or 4.5 ... 5.5 V DC 10 ... 32V DC Approvals Working temperature range 20 ...+70 ְC 10 ...+70 ְC Connection type Screw-in system Screw-in system Enclosure rating Up to IP 64 Up to 52 Wire draw mechanism Measuring wire diameter 0.81 mm respectively 1.35 mm 0.6...

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Product overview Industrial Sensors - 14

Technical data BTF Absolute wire draw BKS Compact absolute encoder wire draw encoder Measurement range Up to 50 m Up to 5 m Resolution Up to 0.025 mm Up to 0.05 mm Reproducibility 1 measuring step ѱ3 measuring step Interfaces SSI,RS 422 parameter interf., SSI Profibus, DeviceNet, CANopen Supply voltage 10 ... 32 V DC 12 ... 30 V DC Approvals Working temperature range 20 ...+70 ְC 10 ...+70 ְC Connection type Screw-in system Screw-in system Schutzart Up to IP 64 Up to 52 Wire draw mechanism Measuring wire diameter 0.81 mm respectively 1.35 mm 0.6 mm Operating speed 4 m/s max. 3,5 m/s Drum...

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Product overview Industrial Sensors - 15

Technical data POMUX > KH53 Measurement range Up to 1,700 m Resolution 0.1 mm Reproducibility 0.3 mm Interfaces SSI, RS422, Profibus Operating voltage 10 ...32 V DC Ambient operating temperature Ζ20 ...+60 C Connection type Cable or round screwing system Enclosure rating IP 65/IP66 Max. process speed 6.6 m/s with continual measurement value output Approvals Scanning interval SSI 0.8 ms RS422 0.9 ms Profibus 1.1 ms > 24-04-2006SICK15 size="-1">

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Archived catalogs

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  2. FLOWSIC 600

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