Catalog excerpts

CENTRALIZED AND REAL TIME MONITORING SYSTEM In one screen, all the info concerning the geo localization, status, events, alarms and measures for each gensets, lighting tower, vehicle, etc… GPS MAPPING AND ANTI-THEFT SYSTEM Displayed in one map all the monitored device/equipment. An automatic tool will advise you in case of your genset, vehicle, ... is moved from the default position. It’s your safety solution against thefts. USEFUL AND COST SAVING TOOL FOR THE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULING Effective instrument which helps you to improve the planning activities on site, saving any inefficient cost. This tool gathers all the info related the working hours, the fuel level, the battery voltage of each genset preventing any shutdown. USEFUL REPORT CREATION TOOL FOR RENTAL APPLICATIONS Powerful tool for the creation of reports they can be used for resuming all the info and history of a rental genset/lighting tower. The same info are also available with graphical reports. Application fields: Gensets (recommended for fixed and rental applications) Towers lightings Telecom and Hybrid stations (genset, batteries, etc…) External tanks equipped with measuring sensors UPS stations (Datacentres, hospitals,…) Trucks and Boats HIGH TECHNOLOGIES The communication systems available are via GPRS, GSM, GPS, Ethernet and WIFI communication (coming soon). SI.MO.NE is a cloud system available wherever you are. App for Android and IOS smartphone available for free! FLEXIBLE SOLUTION Just one and fully compatible platform able to monitor several genset controller by SICES, COMAP, DSE, DEIF
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Empowering your control General info SI.MO.NE (Sices Monitor Network) is a centralized monitoring system which allows a permanent and real time control of a fleet of gensets, tower lightings, vehicles, boats, ... Used for gathering and report all the info concerning the status, location (GPS Position), measures and events of each equipment. You don't need any fixed PC. You can use any internet interface like Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone. Different password levels in order to give several access to the service. >ring arid control sy: Current user: demo Current language: English f change)...
Open the catalog to page 2
si.mo.ne report Description: Prtwe perBrasile Cwner Skss Rent location 5a" Paoo First valid received record: 2014-04-09 16:30:13 Last valid received record: 2014-06-25 18:50:57 Usage time: 77 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes Hours to maint.: 0 Initial Running Houre: 1 Final Running Houis: 25 Actual uugt ha. Initial Energy cnt: QkWti Event list: Produced Energy: 31*1 kWti ENSInE STAFfTED FtEMChO. lgOUT^ PAIIFE;.: H-.\OEJ Mnirra vctagen geraoor Empowering your control System reports and graphic Stay connected to your plant using SI.MO.NE Now, it's even easier than the past using your smartphone and...
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Societa Italiana Costruzioni Elettriche Sumirago 21040 - Jerago con Orago (VA) ITALY SICES BRASIL LTDA Condominio Empresarial ONIX
Open the catalog to page 4All S.I.C.E.S. catalogs and technical brochures
DST4602 - DST4602
20 Pages
DST4601PX Genset controller
4 Pages
GC250 - AMF Controller
2 Pages
Easy Synchro Control panel
4 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
7 Pages