Catalog excerpts

GC400 is the perfect genset controller able to manage the Synchro/Parallel operations for MPM (Multiple Prime Mover) and MSB (Multiple Stand-by) applications. GC400Mains is your solution for SSTP (Single Short Time Parallel to Mains) applications where the back or reserve synchro is required. The controller includes in effect the regulation of the active and reactive power. GC400Link is the special versions with GPRS/GPS modem included True RMS readings on generator voltages and currents. Neutral measure included. Additional current measurement for neutral or ground fault protection (50N+87N) Active, Reactive and Apparent power measurement Engine speed measurement by pick-up, frequency or W 8+1 fully digital Inputs + 4 programmable analogue inputs and 8 digital outputs Perfect for groups of RENTAL Gensets Graphic display with self or manual adjustable contrast based on the temperature Insulated and Auto-supplied J1939 and MTU MDEC CAN interface Great performances at an EXTRAORDINARY PRICE Interface with traditional analogue engines USB serial port, Insulated RS485 serial port and RS232 serial port with MODBUS RTU New Technology for the remote control Real Time Clock with battery Events and data logging User friendly, intuitive and easy to use SI.MO.NE supervision system with App iOS and Italian design protocol, Ethernet interface with MODBUS TCP/IP protocol
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GC400 is an entry level but also comprehensive controller particularly suggested for managing different type of Synchro/Parallel applications. In detail, GC400 is perfect for MPM (Multiple Prime Mover) and MSB (Multiple Stand-by) power plants where the synchronization and the put in parallel of several gensets is required. Its design allows an easy and fast installation thanks to the internal Load Sharing and Synchronizer. GC400Mains is the perfect controller for those plants where the back synchro (called also reverse synchronization) is required in order to avoid any voltage drop on the...
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Generator protections Underfrequency (81U) Overfrequency (81O) Undervoltage (27) Overvoltage (59) Power direction (32P) Loss of excitation (Reverse reactive 32RQ) Time dependent overcurrent (51) Instantaneous overcurrent (50, 50V) Synchro-check (25) Phase sequence (47) Current and Voltage unbalance (46/47) Differential protection (50N) Ground fault protection (87N) Negative sequence (46-I2) Mains protections: Rate of Change of Frequency (81R ROCOF) Vector shift Undervoltage (27) Overvoltage (59) Underfrequency (81U) Overfrequency (81O) N. 8+1...
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CAN interface for ECU interface (J1939 and MTU MDEC) Insulated CAN interface for PMCBUS application (LOAD– SHARING and parallel management) Up to 16 generator sets connected together Up to 4 different configurations Easy plant configuration N.3 Levels of power reserve for unexpected changes of load request Ramp modulations for load and unload In case of multiple gensets in parallel to mains where the back synchronization is required it’s necessary one GC400 for each genset + one MC100 for the management of the MCB Multilingual device. The display languages available are:...
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SI.MO.NE Central monitor system REMOTE MONITORING CONTROL Empowering your control EXPANSION MODULES
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Empowering your control with MODEM GPRS and Antenna GPS built in! Empaw*nfio, ftrur control tnniiuni English View Bata " View Events Users/Companies T Toots T Manage units T Profile T Use the WEB BASED remote monitor software to be advised in case of any alarm. Geo Mapping track plot. Receive Time Local Time ENGINE STARTED ENGINE STARTED INT.SERV.SECON D.APERTT ENERGY SAVING ACTIVE ENGINE STARTED Atld temi>erdturd kxjle GE MOTOR EAWIATO Your JoJUiio/i for r^nhil g^i^te
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Open the catalog to page 7
Empowering your control Societa Italiana Costruzioni Elettriche Sumirago 21040 - Jerago con Orago (VA) ITALY SICES BRASIL LTDA Condommio Empresarial ONIX
Open the catalog to page 8All S.I.C.E.S. catalogs and technical brochures
DST4602 - DST4602
20 Pages
DST4601PX Genset controller
4 Pages
GC250 - AMF Controller
2 Pages
Easy Synchro Control panel
4 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
7 Pages