DST4602 - DST4602
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DST4602 - DST4602 - 1

GEN-SET CONTROL MODULE- Empowering your control Advanced multiple paralleling genset controller with internal load sharing, • Highly configurable genset controller designed to handle a wide range of critical and complex parallel applications, including multiple Mains and CHP systems • Up to 24 gensets connected on the same bus and Mains parallel application • Internal Load sharing, Synchronizer and VAR regulation • PLC functions with PID blocks • Digital UP/DOWN command for speed governor and AVR • Mains and Genset circuit breaker management • True RMS readings on generator and mains voltages and currents with additional current measurement for neutral or differential protection (51N) • Active, Reactive and Apparent power measurement • Frequency and power measurement on Mains input • 20 fully programmable digital input with possibility of additional several Input • 16 digital output + 2 Fixed with possibility of additional several Output • Several communication tools (RS232, Insulated RS485, RJ45 Ethernet, USB port) • Large graphic display. TFT Colour display available • Real Time Clock and Events and data logging • Remote control systems • KEMA Certificati

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DST4602 - DST4602 - 2

Empowering your control General info They are particularly designed for complex plants, where there's the need of a huge number of settings, functions and parameters aimed to manage the genset and its auxiliary DST4602 & DST4Q02Evolution are highly configurable genset controllers for advanced multiple and single synchro/parallel applications. In details they allow the connection up to 24 gensets on the same bus working in island mode, and even the control of gensets running in synchro/parallel with the Thanks to the high configurable level of the controllers and the PLC inbuilt functions...

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DST4602 - DST4602 - 3

RESET: engine start inhibition, load is forced to be supplied from the Mains. When the engine is running and the selector switch is turned to the 'OFF' position, the engine shutdown sequence is activated. Reset of all alarms. Enable parameters change (programming). PROGRAM: access to all programmable parameters. Programming access can be controlled by means a three level passwords. Some parameters can be changed even if the engine is running. MANUAL: engine manual START and STOP controls are enabled. The Gen Set protection devices are activated. The starting command is automatically...

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DST4602 - DST4602 - 4

New function available for the automatic adjustment of the power output based on the mains frequency value. This feature allows to maintain the safety conditions of the genset in case of the mains frequency drops under acceptable values for the genset. N.1 Serial port RS232 with MODBUS RTU protocol N.1 Serial port RS232 or RS485 insulated with MODBUS RTU protocol N.1 Serial port USB for firmware upgrade N.1 Setting for Ethernet interface Compliant with BDEW German rules which regulates energy plants connection with the MV and HV. In conformity to the German technical guidance, the...

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DST4602 - DST4602 - 5

Load sharing: Load sharing is accomplished in parallel operations by means CAN interface or analogue interface. DST4602 controls the speed regulation in order to have the same percentage power among generator sets. Power modulation: Power regulation is allowed through internal power regulator. For electronic engines a CAN line is available for speed regulation, for traditional engines is however available a proper analogical interface. Reactive power regulation: DST4602 controls AVR directly in order to manage the reactive power. DST4602 is a MULTILANGUAGE DEVICE. The display languages...

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DST4602 - DST4602 - 6

Empowering your control DST4602 & DST4602ETO'1*0'1 SPLIT VERSION: Display + Control unit. In addition it's possible to choose between the version with Key selector switch or with Push buttons for the MODE selection. On the left: User interface with display unit to be mounted on the door of the control panel. On the right: Box / Control unit to be mounted into the control panel. Based on the type of the plant, DST4602 & DST4602ETO ut'°" are available in two versions, differing for the single line for those plants where it's necessary to control the MCB for those plants where the genset...

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DST4602 - DST4602 - 7


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DST4602 - DST4602 - 8

In really sensitive contests, It’s necessary to ensure a safety control of the gensets. Basically a reliable control is achieved by means the use of a “Master unit” which controls the start/stop, the alarms and the engine/ generator protections, combined to a “Back-up unit”. The “Master unit” is equipped with an autodiagnostic system (watch dog) able to detect any failure of the controller. After an elapsed and settable time of communication, the “Back-up unit” automatically switches on in order to take care about the process of the genset. When the “Master unit” is ON, the “Back-up unit”...

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DST4602 - DST4602 - 9

REMOTE GEN-SET CONTROLLER Empowering your control COMMAND REMOTE For each local DST4602 & DST4602ETO'ut,bR it's possible to add one or many remote DST4602 controllers, usually called This solution is usually recommended in case of remote control room where it's necessary a supervision of the genset from a remote Thanks to this controller it's possible to visualize the measures, parameters and status of a local DST4602, as the Operator is in front of the local controller. • Via Ethernet TCP/IP (max distance 100mt without any hub). If via Ethernet, it's possible to connect several...

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DST4602 - DST4602 - 10

REMOTE START: Push button used to start the genset from remote. The starting is enabled if the selector key of the local controller is in AUTO mode. REMOTE STOP: Push button used to stop the genset from remote. If the genset has been started by the DST4602/RC, pushing the “REMOTE STOP”, the genset stops doing the cooling operations. If the genset has been started by the local DST4602, pushing the “REMOTE STOP”, the genset immediately stops without any cooling operations. Push button for the manual opening/closure of the Genset Circuit Breaker. Remote control room DST4602Remote is equipped...

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