HM145 - Automatic Case Erector with Hot Melt


Catalog excerpts

HM145 - Automatic Case Erector with Hot Melt - 1

l = 2540 h = 1480敷2210 Set ruote 100 mmؕCastersRouesՕSatz Umlaufrder w = 2400 > kg650 MINMAX l 220560 Set gambe pi䕹 alte (600 mm)Higher legs (600 mm/24Ք)Pieds plus hauts (600 mm)ՕHhere Sttzen漕 > hwl w 150350 h 120500 Magazzino cartoni capacitՠ 80150 scatole > Box storing capacity 80畷150 boxes Piani a rulliIdler roller conveyorsՕPlans de rouleauxRollenbahnenՕ Magasin de cartons capacitթ 80150 cartons Fachtschalchtel Magasin Leistung 80畷150SchachtelProduzione media 7շ12 scatole/min.Output: 7շ12 boxes per minute Production moyenne: 7շ12 botes/min Leistung: 7앷12 Schachtel/Min. > Piani a rulli estensibiliExtensible conveyorsՕPlans de rouleaux extensiblesAusziehbare RollenbahnenՕ 380440 Trifase 畕3 PhaseTri-phasթ 3-phasig > Trasportatori a tappetoՕPowered belt conveyorsTransporteurs motorisթs tapisAngetriebene Bandfնrderer max. 6 bar 450 l/min 220շ240 Monofase Օ Single phase Mono-phasթ 1 phasig ՕCapacit serbatoio Hot Melt = kg. 5Hot-Melt tank capacity = kg. 5 ՕCapacit rservoir Hot-Melt = kg. 5 驕Hot-Melt Tank Kapazitt = kg. 5Capacit䕠 di fusione: 9 kg/ora Melting capacity: 9 kg/hour Օ Capacit de fusion: 9 kg/heure Schmelzenkapazit镤t: 9 kg/Stunde > Magazzino cartoniCarton-storage cartsՕDpt cartons鴕Kartonlager > h = 1950 mm w = 2350 mm > lwh l = 2550 mmSiat S.p.A. - Via Puecher, 22 - 22078 TURATE (CO) ITALY- P.O. BOX 1 Tel. (+39)(2) 964951 - Telefax (+39)(2) 9689727E-Mail @ - http:/ > kg830 Cod. pubbl.: 5.6.00187.98 size="-5">

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HM145 - Automatic Case Erector with Hot Melt - 2

Formatore automaticoAutomatic Case Erector Formeuse automatique de caisse carton Automatischer Fachtschachtelaufrichter >

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HM145 - Automatic Case Erector with Hot Melt - 3

Manovelle regolazione contrasto altezza cartoni蕕Box height regulation handles Manivelles rթglage diffrente hauteur cartons Regelungskurbel Kontrast Kartonsh镶heStop EmergenzaՕEmergency Stop Button Stop dՒurgence Not-AusschalterՕIndicatore luminosoAlarm light ՕLampe tmoin Lichtszeiger镕Pannello di controlloControl Panel ՕPanneau descommandesKontrolltafel ՕPannello pneumaticoPneumatic Control Panel ՕPanneau pneumatique PneumatischeKontrolltafelՕRegolatore di pressioneAir-pressure regulatorՕRgulateur de pression Druckregler镕Pompa a vuotoVacuum Pump ՕPompe vide Vakuum PumpeՕRuote,...

Open the catalog to page 3
HM145 - Automatic Case Erector with Hot Melt - 4

驕Carrello porta ventoseSuction cups carriageՕChariot porte-ventousesSaugrollgestell ՕMagazzino cartoniBox storage ՕMagasin cartonsKartonslagerՕManovella regolazione altezza magazzino cartoniBox storage working height regulation handle ՕManivelle rglage hauteur magasin cartons Regelungskurbel H镶he des KartonlagersCarrello compattatore scatoleՕBox pusher carriage Chariot compacteur cartons ՕSchieberollgestell Applicatore adesivo Hot MeltՕHot Melt glue generator Applicateur adhթsif Hot Melt Hot Melt Kleberanwender ՕStabilizzatore falde interne scatola Bottom flaps stabilizer ՕStabilisateur...

Open the catalog to page 4

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