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Catalog excerpts

6-FMX-180 - 1

6-FMX-180 Main Applications Dimensions n Telecom site □ Outdoor base station □ Floating operation site a UPS Benefits n Front terminal design, easy access for faster installation and maintainence □ Optimal energy density, save floor space a No leakage and no acid smog spray during the operation Technical Parameters Certification Nominal Voltage Technical Features □ Excellent capacity retention rate □ Long life float service design □ Excellent over discharge recovery capability

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6-FMX-180 - 2

6-FMX-180 Constant Current Discharge Characteristics Unit: A (25°C, 77°F) Constant Power Discharge Characteristics Unit: W/cell (25°C, 77°F) Performance Curve Discharge capacity (%C 10 ) Voltage(V) Capacity at Different Temperature *Declaration: This information is generally descriptive only and is not intended to make or imply any representation, guarantee or warranty with respect to any cells and batteries. Cell and battery designs/specifications are subject to modification without notice. Contact CHINASHOTO for the latest information. @ Welcome to Visit : www.chinashoto.com

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All Shoto / Shuangdeng Group Company Limited catalogs and technical brochures

  1. FTC-170

    2 Pages

  2. FTC-150

    2 Pages

  3. FTC-100

    2 Pages

  4. FTC series

    2 Pages

  5. 6-SPB-100

    2 Pages

  6. 6-SPB-75

    2 Pages

  7. 6-SPB-50A

    2 Pages

  8. 6-SPB-40

    2 Pages

  9. 6-SPB-25

    2 Pages

  10. 6-FMX-200

    2 Pages

  11. 6-FMX-170

    2 Pages

  12. 6-FMX-150D

    2 Pages

  13. 6-FMX-150C

    2 Pages

  14. 6-FMX-150B

    2 Pages

  15. 6-FMX-100B

    2 Pages

  16. 6-FMX-50

    2 Pages

  17. 6-FMX-190

    2 Pages

  18. 6-FMX series

    2 Pages

  19. GFM-1500

    2 Pages

  20. GFM-3000

    2 Pages

  21. GFM-2000

    2 Pages

  22. GFM-1000

    2 Pages

  23. GFM-800

    2 Pages

  24. GFM-600

    2 Pages

  25. GFM-500

    2 Pages

  26. GFM-400

    2 Pages

  27. GFM-300

    2 Pages

  28. GFM-200

    2 Pages

  29. GFM Series

    2 Pages

  30. EXC-1000AH

    2 Pages

  31. EXC-300AH

    2 Pages

  32. EXC-400AH

    2 Pages

  33. EXH-500AH

    2 Pages

  34. EXC-600AH

    2 Pages

  35. EXC-800ah

    2 Pages

  36. Ln2 6-AGM-60

    2 Pages

  37. Ln3 6-AGM-70

    2 Pages