UHPLC Nexera X2
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UHPLC Nexera X2 - 1

Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatograph

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UHPLC Nexera X2 - 3

Ul tra Hi g h P er form ance Li q ui d Chr om atogr aph Ma xim izing t he Pot ent i al of UHPLC/ HP LC Anal ys i s Meet the Nexera X2, the most advanced UHPLC available today. The flexible system design achieves a true fusion between UHPLC and HPLC technologies, enabling the Nexera X2 to be used for a much broader range of applications. This completely new UHPLC system not only offers maximum speed, sensitivity, resolution, stability, and reliability, it also features a revolutionary i -PDeA* separation technology and an i -DReC** function that extends the dynamic range so that both...

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UHPLC Nexera X2 - 4

The flexible module design allows you to choose an optimal Nexera X2 system according to your analytical needs. Some typical configurations are shown below. Nexera Quaternary System This UHPLC system offers maximum sensitivity and resolution. It features the new i-PDeA* separation method. This system enables four-solvent gradient analysis, making it especially easy to migrate methods from general-purpose HPLC systems. * intelligent Peak Deconvolution Analysis Nexera Method Scouting System Nexera UHPLC/HPLC System Providing comprehensive support for method development, this system is capable...

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UHPLC Nexera X2 - 5

The CBM-20A is a network-compatible controller capable of monitoring systems from a separate room. In addition to Nexera X2 systems, it can be used to integrate the control of sepa a va variety of components to create a customized system tailored to specific analytical obje objectives. Solvent Delivery Unit Adding this four-solvent gradient unit allows you to use a wide variety of delivery methods. It is also capable of blending mobile phases for automated mobile phase preparation. This multifunctional model is capable of pretreatment and trap injection methods. Together with this rack...

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UHPLC Nexera X2 - 6

Higher Sensitivity and Resolution Than Ever Before Nex Nexera SR System The SPD-M30A photodiode array detector included in Nexera SR systems has been completely SP redesi redesigned from previous models and features uncompromised improvements throughout the design design, from the cell structure to the temperature control method. This not only increases the sensit sensitivity of UHPLC systems, but also improves the sensitivity and separation of HPLC systems, making it suitable for the flagship model of the Nexera X2 series. makin Detector Cell Offers Both Sensitivity and Resolution While...

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UHPLC Nexera X2 - 7

Not Just Sensitivity — High Data Reliability The SPD-M30A adopts the new temperature-controlled TC-Optics with the SR-Cell, which has an optimized heat exchange inlet pipe. These features achieve faster stabilization with low external dispersion for UHPLC analysis. The faster stabilization shortens the “wait time” for analysis, -20 thereby increasing total analytical throughput. Other vendor's PDA detector Baseline after instrument startup Excellent Stability Even with Subtle Changes in Room Temperature mAU 25 20 Room 15 temperature 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 0 100 Subtle fluctuations in room...

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UHPLC Nexera X2 - 8

High-Performance Autosamplers Facilitate Ultra High Sensitivity Analysis Popular Low-Carryover Performance Now Further Improved ed Nexera X2 series autosamplers are carefully designed to reduce carryover in increasingly gly high-sensitivity analytical applications, with features such as a multi-rinse mechanism, included as standard, that allows you to select from multiple types of solvents. They also so offer high accuracy at the injection volumes optimal for column sizes typically used in UHPLC applications. Together with the broad injection volume linearity, this makes Nexera exera X2...

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UHPLC Nexera X2 - 9

Nexera X2 series autosamplers offer excellent injection reproducibility over a wide range of injection volumes. Applications in the UHPLC to HPLC region require a diverse range of analytical column sizes. Using a Nexera X2 series autosampler allows you to choose the optimal injection volume for the given column size, without any compromise in analytical reliability. Injection Repeatability (Actual Values) Reproducibility Test for 0.1 jL Injection Volume Nexera X2 series autosamplers enable highly accurate analysis even at injection volumes below 1 jL. For UHPLC analysis using small columns,...

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UHPLC Nexera X2 - 10

True High-Throughput Analysis Nexera MP System — Ideal as an LC/MS Front-End LC The Nexera MP system, equipped with the SIL-30ACMP autosampler, serves as a high-performance front-end LC to maximize the performance of LC/MS systems. In the standard configuration, six microplates (96/384-well MTPs or DWPs) or 1.5 mL vial racks can be used. This provides an open access system that allows you to use different plates for each rack and place samples at any time, even during sample injection, except on the rack being used for injection. Just as with the SIL-30AC, thorough measures have been taken...

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UHPLC Nexera X2 - 11

The Nexera Quaternary system is able to deliver low-pressure gradient mixtures of four solvents. Its ability to load up to four types of mobile phases in a single solvent delivery unit eliminates the time and trouble of exchanging mobile phases during method development. If a low-pressure gradient unit is added to a system with two solvent delivery units, then both binary and quaternary capabilities can be achieved in a single system, which can help improve instrument utilization efficiency. The Nexera X2 offers both UHPLC and HPLC capabilities with a single system. Basic Nexera Quaternary...

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UHPLC Nexera X2 - 12

Simplifies Time-Consuming Method Development Processes Nexera Method Scouting System Automates Method Development Processes The Nexera Method Scouting method development system, which can accommodate up to six columns and eight mobile phases, is capable of automatically switching between up to 96 combinations of columns and mobile phases. This means data can be acquired even at night, which is typically down-time, thus making highly efficient method development possible. Method Scouting Solution LC-30AD FCV-34AH LPGE Unit Nexera Method Scouting System Basic configuration of the Nexera...

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