Shimadzu Software Overview


Catalog excerpts

Shimadzu Software Overview - 1

SEG-A-070-4-1 Software-LsungenSoftware Solutions Analytical Software Biotech Software >

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Shimadzu Software Overview - 2

LabSolutions is the unified software Die Software-Serie LabSolutions istdie einheitliche Plattform fr alle Chromatographie-Systeme von Shimadzu mit Modulen f얼r GC, GCMS, HPLC und LCMS. Auch die dreidimensionalen Detektionstech- niken sind vollstndig eingebunden. LabSolutions verfgt 似ber eine direkteSchnittstelle zur CLASS Agent Daten- bank. Damit lassen sich Archivierung und elektronische Signatur der gesamten Chromatographiedaten in einer Datenbank-Software bndeln. LabSolutions ist hervorragend geeig-net fr Forschung und Entwicklung und unterst켼tzt zudem die Standard- anwendungen in...

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Shimadzu Software Overview - 3

CLASS Agent software offers integra-ted data management from laboratory instruments according to FDA 21 CFR Part 11. Analytical data from Shimadzu instruments are centrally archived, administrated and signed within SQL ֕ password protected centralized user administration administration of analytical datafrom non Shimadzu systems is possible Օ automatische Erfassung von nde-rungen am bestehenden Datenfile (Audit Trail)ĕ bedienerfreundliche Oberflche frDatenbanksuche, Begutachtung der Analysenergebnisse und Freigabe durch die elektronische Signatur The Formula Predictor software pro-vides...

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Shimadzu Software Overview - 4

Phenomenome Profiler AM > + is themost comprehensive software tool designed and used daily by meta- bolomics researchers. In combination with Shimadzus LCMS-IT-TOF the software takes full advantage of out- standing features such as the MS > n -Fragmentierungeinbezogen sowie Daten, die durch Polarity-Umschaltung erhalten werden.Die Profiler AM > n capability, accurate mass in all MS modes and the fast polarity switching capability. Generated data can be quickly and reliably analyzed to find differences in samples sets on the metabolite level. A wide range of statistical tools reinforce the...

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Shimadzu Software Overview - 5

TotalLab 120 DM upgrade Die TotalLab 120 ist eine neuartige Software fr die Auswertung von 1D-Gel-Bildern, die bei der Protein- sowie DNA-Trennung erhalten wer- den. Spezielle Features ermglichen eine umfangreiche Auswertung 춖 bis hin zum Vergleich von Banden- mustern. flexible, intuitive Arbeitsablդufe automatische Reihen- und Banden-Erkennung Օ Bandenquantifizierung ermնglicht eine R Transfers 2D analysis data from any PG analysis product into an Oracle database, with tools to store, manage and mine 2D gel data. Versionen angeboten PG200 undPG220, wobei beide Produkte durch ein Upgrade...

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Shimadzu Software Overview - 6

The new MetIDsolution software isused for accelerating metabolite iden- tification using high mass accuracy MS > n data. The software is an integrated ap-proach to metabolite identification maximizing the information from data- dependent high mass accuracy MS > n acquisitions and accelerating effec- tive reporting based on statistical data approach. The new platform helps researchersto find metabolites quickly and effi- ciently using a multivariate statistical algorithm that relates fragment ion signatures of target compound and metabolite candidates. This process eliminates most of the...

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Shimadzu Software Overview - 7

Software solution and database SARAMIS Basic , the ideal tool for the evaluation and analysis of MALDI-TOF MS dataՕ SARAMISPremium SARAMIS ID-Professional , the completesolution with highest flexibility in microorganism identification for R&D and commercial useAll three software packages can becombined with the original and most comprehensive SARAMIS database including more than 62,500 single fingerprint spectra of different iso- lates representing 1,160 species and 233 genera and 1,160 super spectra for automatic identification of microorganisms. for automatic high throughput identifi-...

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Shimadzu Software Overview - 8

To find your local Shimadzu contact please visit Shimadzu Europa GmbH Albert-Hahn-Str. 6-10 D-47269 DuisburgTel.: +49 - (0)203 - 76 87-0Fax: +49 - (0)203 - 76 66 25 Email: >

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All Shimadzu Europa catalogs and technical brochures

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  2. Nexis GC-2030

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  3. MOC63u

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  4. TOC-L

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  5. RF-6000

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  6. iMScope Trio

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  7. UV-3600 Plus

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  8. EDX-7000/8000

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Archived catalogs

  1. TOC-4110

    1 Pages