Catalog excerpts

Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
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LCMS-IT-TOF H i gh-Spe e d L i q u i d C h r o ma to g ra p h Ma ss S p e ctro me te r LCM S-I T-T O F ® A si g n i fi c a n tly ad van ce d MS detec tor enabling LC / M S n h i g h -p re cisio n mass a nalysis
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Hig h Resol uti on & Hi gh P re ci si o n i n MS n meas u re me n t T h e s t a b l e , h i gh - re so lu tio n sp e ctra a ch ie ve d throughout a wide mass range and high-precision MS n data are der i v e d f r o m t h e DSR : Du a l- Sta g e R e fle ctro n (* 1 ) and the use of BIE: Ballistic Ion Extraction (*2) . These instrument a d v a n c e s c a n s tro n g ly a ssist in th e u se o f MS for predicting accurate structural details. Hig h Throughput I n c r e a s e d a m o un ts o f in fo rma tio n a re o b ta in e d for each measurement, enabling much higher reliability in struct u r...
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Original and Advanced Technology W hat i s th e I T - T O F ? There are several types of LC/MS instruments in the market currently. The single quadrupole and triple quadrupole instruments are primarily used for quantitative analysis, while the ion trap, LC-TOF and Qq-TOF instruments are primarily used for qualitative analysis. Triple quadrupoles are excellent instruments for quantitative analysis, although they falter in comparison to other types of mass spectrometers in terms of mass accuracy and resolution. Ion traps excel in structural analysis due to their ability to perform MS n;...
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Atmospheric Ionization Probe Octopole lens In the LCMS-IT-TOF, rather than simply combining the existing technologies of the QIT (Quadrupole Ion Trap) mass spectrometer and an oaTOF (Orthogonal Acceleration Time of Flight) mass spectrometer, the QIT and TOF are arranged linearly in a unique construction. This construction offsets the disadvantages of slow measurement Flight tube with temperature control Dual-Stage Reflectron speed, ion capture rate and trap saturation associated with the ion trap, while allowing the advantages of the ion trap and TOF to be fully demonstrated. Abundant...
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High-Speed and High-Accuracy MS n Measurement The LCMS-IT-TOF is intended to strongly assist in the identification of target compounds by using high-speed/high-accuracy MSn data in R&D fields such as impurity analysis, metabolic profiling and biomarker research. Half Height Peak Width: 1.2 sec External Standard Method The data above shows the analysis of four compounds within 2.0 minutes. The Auto MSn function makes it possible to obtain highly accurate MSn data via an external standard, taking advantage of high-speed mass spectrum measurement performance. : 0.1 % formic acid in methanol...
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Ion fragmentation is very useful in structural analysis. The LCMS-ITTOF has a unique design in that it connects an ion trap with a TOF and provides high-precision mass information for either MS or MSn. This makes it possible to perform highly reliable structural analysis. External Standard Method The above examples show that the low-mass product ions can be analyzed precisely and the new compounds can be identified by MSn measurement. Sample provided by: AstraZeneca (UK) Dr. Richard Gallagher LCMS-IT-TOF Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
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Basic Performance Supporting High-Quality Data Com pat i b i l i t y o f H i g h S e nsitiv ity a n d Ma ss Accu ra cy 1 00 at t om ol of Fibrinope ptide A E xt ended S t a b i l i t y i n Ma s s Accu ra cy The high-accuracy temperature control mechanism of the flight tube, the localized ion due to BIE from the QIT, and the effective 10-bit high-speed transient recorder enable extremely stable mass accuracy using the external standard method. Due to labor-intensive work required when using an internal standard for LC/MS anal- External Standard Method (m/z 1064: NaTFA) ysis, it is extremely...
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H i gh-Spe e d I o n P o l a r i t y S witch in g Mo d e [ u p to 2 .5 Hz] Voltage change monitored with an oscilloscope 10 8 3 4 2 High-Speed Ion Polarity Switching can be especially useful when it cannot be judged whether samples will be detected as positive or negative ions. The LCMS-IT-TOF utilizes a newly developed, highly accurate and stable power supply as well as a newly developed high-voltage switch that allows for polarity switching in only 0.1 sec or less (necessary for the sharp HPLC peaks available with the advances in high-speed chromatography). The maximum rate for polarity...
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Intelligent Auto MS n Function What i s th e A u t o MS n F u n ctio n ? Samples cannot be recaptured once injected for LC/MS analysis; therefore, it is vital that instruments can automatically select the appropriate precursor ions. With the LCMS-IT-TOF, a variety of precursor ion selection criteria, such as the selection of ions in order of intensity or m/z is available, in addition to intelligent automatic precursor selection, such as a monoisotopic peak selector and chargestate filtering. Main Functions for Precursor Ion Selection Selection in the order of intensity or m/z Charge state...
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E xam pl es H i g h l i g h t i n g t h e Ne u tra l Lo ss S u rv e y Fu n ctio n The combination of the neutral loss survey and MS3 measurement provides accurate mass information that can lead to highly reliable structural analyses of phospholipids. Polar radical-specific neutral loss (NL) Polar radical information CH -O-CO-R 2 MS 3 measurement : Lipid chain information Setting PS (Polar radical X : serine) - specific NL (87 Da) and performing the neutral loss survey PC : Phosphatidilcholine PS : Phosphatidilserine PA : Phosphatidic acid FA : Fatty acid [M+CH 3COO] - for diacyl 36:6 PC...
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Software to Accelerate Data Analysis C om pos i ti o n P r e d i c t i o n S o ftwa re ( Op tio n a l p ro d u ct) E f f ect ivenes s of Acc ura te M S n In composition prediction, target constituents having a small mass and high mass accuracy associated with their measured values, provide fewer numbers of candidates and greater prediction reliability. When using MS2 data with the Composition Prediction Software, formula prediction starts with the product ion having the smallest mass, and uses that result in the effective prediction of the parent ion by reducing the number of candidates....
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