Catalog excerpts

Schaevitz® A545 Multi Series DC-Operated, Bi-axial & Tri-axial Linear Accelerometer 1 Ringway Centre, Edison Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6YH, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 870 444 0728 Fax: +44 (0) 870 444 0729 Email: sales@sherbornesensors.com Website: www.sherbornesensors.com A545 Bi & Tri Axis- Iss 5.doc Features • Ranges ± 2g to ± 500g • Integral overload protection • Critical damping ratio 0.7 nominal with essentially zero temperature coefficent • Integral temperature compensation • DC input - DC output • Suitable for DC and AC acceleration applications • Available in 2 and 3 axis versions Introduction The Sherborne Sensors’ A545 range of multi-axis accelerometers measure vector acceleration in three mutually perpendicular planes with high accuracy and incorporate piezo-resistive strain gauge bridge sensors incorporating air damping. Unlike fluid damped devices, the air damping employed is essentially independent of temperature. The transducer also incorporates positive mechanical stops conferring excellent shock resistance. The accelerometer is compensated for the effects of temperature on both sensitivity and zero. Typical applications include biomechanical investigations, data acquisition systems, crash test, impact, shock and vibration analysis. Designed for operation from a DC power source, the A545 is packaged in a robust aluminium alloy housing with solder pin connections. The accelerometer has a wide-range useable frequency response from DC to several kHz. In addition to the instruments offered in this bulletin Sherborne Sensors design and develop accelerometers for specific applications. These custom designed units can be manufactured and tested to conform to specific requirements and standards. .
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