Catalog excerpts

No owadays, t the electric tailgate of automob c o biles has many conve m enient func ctions, such as intelligent h cla amping, em mergency lo ocking, etc., which are becoming more and more popu e ular. The ele ectric tailga is ate as ssociated w the ele with ectric trunk which me k, eans that the car’s tr t runk can b opened and closed by be d rem mote contr ZHAOW gear motor for ele rol. WEI m ectric tailga support rod makes the openi and clo ate s ing osing mo stable a effectiv ore and ve. Th Electric Tailgate B he Brings Con nvenience to Us Mo odern cars have many new featu y ures of the tailgate. First, the driv can ope and clos the tailga ver en se ate by pressing a button. Se y econd, if th tailgate s he sensors an objection during open d ning and cl losing, The e tai ilgate will m move in the opposite direction, ef d ffectively preventing children from being inj c m jured or da amaging the vehicle. T e Third, in an emergenc the tailga needs to be close urgently. During the cy, ate t ed . e op pening or closing of the electric ta ailgate, the tailgate ca be stopp at any t an ped time by the remote control ke and can be controlled as required. Fourth the open ey h, ning height of the elec ctric tailgate can be e ad djusted, and the owner can set th final ope d he ening heigh of the tail ht lgate throug the man gh nual control bu utton accord ding to the owners’ ha abits. Th electric t he tailgate for SUV is ver heavy. In order to be able to withstand su weight firmly, the ry n b w uch t se election of the support ting force of the tailgat putter is very impor te rtant. Ge Motor Powers SU Tailgate ear UV Th basic str he ructure of th electric tailgate con he t nsists of tw drive rods. The elec wo ctric tailgate support ro is e od co omposed of an inner tu and an outer tube The lead screw in th inner tub is driven by a gear f ube n e. he be n rbox, wh hich is fixed to a nut o the outer tube. The electric tai d on r ilgate lever opens and closes the trunk lid r d e sp pring throug two drive rods drive by electr motors. The gear reduction m gh e en ric r motor used for the elec ctric tai ilgate must have high torque, hig efficienc low nois and smo t gh cy, se, ooth operat tion. ZHAO OWEI gear mo meets these requ otor uirements. Th automotive tailgate support ro gearbox mentioned above is only shown as a case that is he e od d o n e de eveloped fo specific c or customers. It can be a also custom mized accor rding to cus stomer requ uirements.
Open the catalog to page 1All Shenzhen ZhaoWei Machinery & Electronics Co. catalogs and technical brochures
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